Use of TeeChart6.ocx with Asymetrix Toolbook II (8.1)

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Use of TeeChart6.ocx with Asymetrix Toolbook II (8.1)

Post by Aries » Mon Jan 26, 2004 11:56 am

When I close a Toolbook II application with an extension "Teechart6.ocx" ( but the same problem occours with version 5), three error messages appears. The first and second error refers to memory address 0x04765f2c and 0x0477ff9c. The last message says: "Runtime error 216 at 0005FAA1". Can anybody help me to understand what happens ?
Last edited by Aries on Tue Jan 27, 2004 8:35 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Pep » Mon Jan 26, 2004 1:42 pm

I'm going to need an example with which I can reproduce the problem "as is" here. Could you please post it in the steema.public.attachments newsgroup ?

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