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How to remove some tabs under Series tab

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 1:59 am
by 9081616
When I'm in Chart Editor and click on 'Add' or 'Change' buttons to add a new series or to change the existing series, I get the 'TeeChart Gallery' dialog. In this dialog under the 'Series' tab, I get the:
Standard, 3D, Other, Extended, Financial and Stats tabs.

I want to be able to remove 3D, Extended, Financial and Stats tabs from this 'TeeChart Gallery' dialog. Is is possible to do this?

Furthermore, in the 'Standard' tab, I want to remove Gant, Shape and Bubble series option. Is it possible to do this?

I'm using Visual C++.

Thank you.

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2004 8:00 am
by Chris
Hi --
When I'm in Chart Editor and click on 'Add' or 'Change' buttons to add a new series or to change the existing series, I get the 'TeeChart Gallery' dialog. In this dialog under the 'Series' tab, I get the:
Standard, 3D, Other, Extended, Financial and Stats tabs.

I want to be able to remove 3D, Extended, Financial and Stats tabs from this 'TeeChart Gallery' dialog. Is is possible to do this?
No, I don't think this is possible; the nearest TeeChart comes to this is by the use of the ITeeEditor (see Help for details), e.g.

Code: Select all

void CVCplus60TESTAXv7Dlg::OnShowWindow(BOOL bShow, UINT nStatus) 
	CDialog::OnShowWindow(bShow, nStatus);



void CVCplus60TESTAXv7Dlg::OnButton1() 