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Teechart 7 -> Teechart 2015 Performance issue

Posted: Thu May 26, 2016 10:16 am
by 16677617
I'm converting my app to a 64 bit application. Our software worked perfectly with TeeChart 7. Since we've upgraded to TeeChart 2015, we have serious performance issue. CPU usage it's up to the roof.

That causes some display issue. It can’t display normally itself and affect other objects' displaying in model(please see the attachment "TeeChart2015 affect other objects.jpg"). After a long time of investigating, I figure out the root cause, the code ‘m_pChart->GetCanvas()->PutUseBuffer(VARIANT_FALSE);’. When setting this property to VARIANT_TURE, the display issue was almost fixed except TeeChart still displays with a wrong border. But it cause another issue, the speed issue. When running the model the speed becomes very very slowly. Actually, the ‘UseBuffer’ value is used to control the speed of drawing TeeChart. It seems we can’t let it display normally and keep the normally speed at the same time. Then I tried to set ‘UseBuffer’ property to VARIANT_FALSE before drawing teechart and setting to VARIANT_TURE after finishing drawing TeeChart.
After some testing, the speed of teechart7 was not affected by this kind of setting, but the teechart15 was becoming more slowly than always putting the 'UseBuffer' to VARIANT_FALSE.

Above all, that’s to say, there are two issues after upgrading teechart.
1. TeeChart still displays with a wrong border(missing one or two edge(please see attachment "TeeChart2015 disaply unnormal.jpg"), it can display well sometimes).
2. The running speed of model becomes more slowly.

We're setting auto paint to true/false to disabled drawing when adding points, etc...

Anyone is experiencing the same problem? Thx

Re: Teechart 7 -> Teechart 2015 Performance issue

Posted: Mon May 30, 2016 8:45 am
by yeray

First of all note TeeChart ActiveX v2016.0.0.1 has been published (here). Could you please give it a try to check if it still reproduces the same issues for you?
If the issues still happen with v2016.0.0.1,
Arena wrote:1. TeeChart still displays with a wrong border(missing one or two edge(please see attachment "TeeChart2015 disaply unnormal.jpg"), it can display well sometimes).
Have you tried playing with the bevels?
VB6_2016-05-30_10-38-18.png (15.02 KiB) Viewed 7666 times
Arena wrote:2. The running speed of model becomes more slowly.
Note v7-v2015/v2016 is a quite big jump.
One of the things that changed is that we moved from GDI to GDIPlus as default canvas. Take a look at the options you have to change from GDIPlus to GDI here.
Another feature that may affect performance is Hover. You can disable Hover calling this:

Code: Select all

TChart1.Hover.Visible = False
or at design time:
VB6_2016-05-30_10-45-03.png (11.96 KiB) Viewed 7672 times
If you still find problems with any of the above issues, please try to arrange a simple example project we can run as-is to reproduce the problem here.
It seems you are developing your application with Arena, aren't you? I'm afraid we don't have that tool here, but maybe you can still reproduce the problems with VB6/Visual Studio, that would be preferable for us.