Activex DNS chartload problems

TeeChart for ActiveX, COM and ASP
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Activex DNS chartload problems

Post by David » Tue Mar 30, 2004 5:34 pm

I'm am using TeeChart ActiveX v5 in MS 2003 ASP.Net. When a user calls the webpage using the computer name (i.e. //w14700) all works fine. When a user calls the page using a DNS name (i.e. ops_support) the page no longer works. Part of the problem may be in the way I am attempting to make all the calls relative to the machine it is loaded on. However, I did try hard coding the address even using the DNS and it did not work. Here's a code snippet:

if right(webform1.document.url,1)="/" then
servername= left(webform1.document.url,len(webform1.document.url)-13)
end if

TChart1.Import.LoadFromURL(servername + "WebForm2.aspx")
TChart2.Import.LoadFromURL(servername + "WebForm3.aspx")

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Post by Pep » Thu Apr 01, 2004 9:48 am

Hi David,

is it a problem specific to TChart ? Can you load an image into a picture box using your DNS server names (for example)?

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Post by David » Thu Apr 01, 2004 8:11 pm

The page has other information on it which loads fine using the DNS. I don't even get an error from TChart (I was for a while, but when I registered the DNS name in IIS on the machine, that went away, but still no chart displayed).

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Post by Pep » Mon Apr 05, 2004 5:08 pm

Hi David,

have you check the IIS permissions ?

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