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Apply the fix to

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 7:58 am
by 16562340
I try to Apply the fix to
I have changed the file on my windows and mac
but it still don't use the fix.
I have also tried to add an error in the code to see if it is used, it isn't
How can I force the compiler to use the fix on the mac?

Do I miss something?


I get the same error as in

I tried to do this

but I don't think my changes is used by the compiler.
Must I do something else than modify the file?
Can the modified file be located in the project folder?

Correcting these functions in the file from "\Embarcadero\RAD Studio\9.0\source\fmi" should be enough:

Code: Select all
function TRectF.GetBottomRight: TPointF;
//Result := TPointF.Create(Bottom, Right); //Act
Result := TPointF.Create(Right, Bottom); //Exp

Code: Select all
function TRectF.GetTopLeft: TPointF;
//Result := TPointF.Create(Top, Left); //Act
Result := TPointF.Create(Left,Top); //Exp

Re: Apply the fix to

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 8:31 am
by 10050769
Hello jls,

Please, can you do check next recommendations:

1.- If you change the unit to PC, for example:

\Embarcadero\RAD Studio\9.0\source\fmi

You need do the same modification in the Mac, in the folder where you take the unit when it is recompiled by xcode, for example:

2.- You need check if xcode file of project, where there are the directories where the units are searched and if necessary these are recomplied because we want it works with the manually modification as we have done to fie.
You can check the file manually, open it in the editor. You can check it in MAC or in PC, for example:


When you have opened the project, you have to find the command line that included all of folders where the units have to be searched, something as next :


If after doing next steps your problem still occurs please let me know.

I hope will helps.


Re: Apply the fix to

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 9:42 am
by 16562340
Still doesn't work

I have tried tried this

1 added a copy of with er errror in the project folder
2 removed all files on my Mac

Nothing changes, the project still compiles as before without error (only the chart error)


Re: Apply the fix to

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 9:41 am
by 10050769
Hello Jorgen,

The problem is that the files "*.inc" are a strange case and these can't be moved of the folder where the units.pas have be compiled, so when you compile units.pas FreePascal will search the "*.inc" in this folder and if you change the files to other folder, the change doesn't appear, for this reason, always the files "*.inc" must be in the folder /Developer/Embarcadero/fmi.

Can you please, repeat the test again considering my previous explanation. To do it you can do:
1.- Rename all your compiled files to, for example, .pp
2.- Add files "*.inc" in same folder where "*.pas" files have be compiled.
3.- Compiled again the units and try if your problem appears.

I hope will helps.


Re: Apply the fix to

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 11:23 am
by 16562340
It works now,

I just had some problem with the search tool on Mac that did not find files in the Developer folder.
