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XE7: TChart on FMX TabControl hangs using "slide" animation

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 6:44 pm
by 16569249
If a TeeChart component that is on a hidden page of a tab control becomes active but using the TabControl's "SetActiveTabWithTransition" with "TTabTransition.Slide".

Using the attached demo, make sure "TabItem1" is the selected tab at design-time; Run the app; click "Button2" to active "TabItem2" with the "Slide" animation; The App will hang.

If the "Chart1" is made visible by either setting "TabItem2" as selected at design-time, or by clicking "TabItem2" directly at run-time, then the "slide" transition will work (won't hang the app) from then on.

I have an Mobile (iOS) app that was developed on XE3 that has multiple TeeChart components on pages of TabControls that use the slide transition to move between the tabs/pages. I converted/upgraded this project to XE4, XE5, and then to XE6 with no problems.

In hindsight, I've always noticed a curious pause (1 to 2 secs) the *first* time a page with a TeeChart component is "slide" animated in - it's been there since the first version using XE3.

Re: XE7: TChart on FMX TabControl hangs using "slide" animation

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 3:21 pm
by yeray

I could reproduce the problem and we're investigating it.
We'll be back to you here asap.

Re: XE7: TChart on FMX TabControl hangs using "slide" animation

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 9:39 am
by yeray

I've reproduced the problem and I've seen the error is a bit different with the actual sources we use here. I've added a ticket to the public tracker you can follow:

Re: XE7: TChart on FMX TabControl hangs using "slide" animation

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 2:37 pm
by yeray
Hi again,
Just to let you know we just fixed it in the internal sources we have here so the next maintenance release should allow you to do this without problems.

Re: XE7: TChart on FMX TabControl hangs using "slide" animation

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 5:58 pm
by 16569249
Excellent! Thank you for your attention to this. Could you give me a rough guess as to when that maintenance release will be available?

Re: XE7: TChart on FMX TabControl hangs using "slide" animation

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 10:17 am
by yeray
dolson wrote:Could you give me a rough guess as to when that maintenance release will be available?
I'm afraid I can't tell you this.
However, I see you are a source code customer so I'll send a link to the latest beta sources to the mail account you have registered in this forum.