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Important flicker effect on all demos

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2024 5:37 pm
by 18698357

I just bought Teegrid.
I am surprised by a important flicker effect (every part of the grid is refreshed) on all demos when I move the mouse over cells.
Ticker demo is even worst and differ from the one displayed on the product web page.

I use Athen 12.1 with april patch.

I tried to attached a video file as a demo but the forum does not support MP4. I tried to attach a 7z file of 919kb but file is too big (wow). I recorded a new shorter one.

For the moment, I consider this problem as a show stopper. Is there a way to stop this flicker effect ?

Thank you


Re: Important flicker effect on all demos

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2024 3:22 pm
by Marc

Yes, strange effect. We can't see an obvious cause for the problem when running on Athens. We'll run some checks on different platforms.

Marc Meumann