I've been creating several charts on a ScrollBox at runtime. Now when I want to use the mousewheel, it seems the OnMouseWheel is not fired! also using the
ScrollSource := WindowFromPoint( mousepos );
in the onMouseWheel of the form does not return the handle of the chart..
If i create a chart at designtime, there is no problem.
What am I doing wrong?
Greets Arnold
OnMouseWheel event not riggered on runtime created Tchart.
Hi, Arnold.
Does it help setting the TeeUseMouseWheel variable to true ?
Also, make sure all properties generated for design time chart are actually set when you create a chart at runtime (parent, owner, etc...).
Does it help setting the TeeUseMouseWheel variable to true ?
Code: Select all
Uses Chart;
TeeUseMouseWheel := True;
Marjan Slatinek,
I also was trying to write an OnMouseWheel event, but it seems it is not fired.
I'm using TeeChart Pro V7.02 on Delphi 6, I have a TChart and I want to do some actions when the user spins the mouse wheel up or down, while the cursor is on the chart.
Searching through the forum, I found this topic. I set the TeeUseMouseWheel to true (it was true by default) but with no success: it seems the OnMouseWheel, OnMouseWheelDown, OnMouseWheelUp events are not fired.
Here is a Chart example I used to:
I also was trying to write an OnMouseWheel event, but it seems it is not fired.
I'm using TeeChart Pro V7.02 on Delphi 6, I have a TChart and I want to do some actions when the user spins the mouse wheel up or down, while the cursor is on the chart.
Searching through the forum, I found this topic. I set the TeeUseMouseWheel to true (it was true by default) but with no success: it seems the OnMouseWheel, OnMouseWheelDown, OnMouseWheelUp events are not fired.
Here is a Chart example I used to:
Code: Select all
object Chart4: TChart
Left = 396
Top = 11
Width = 421
Height = 406
BackWall.Gradient.EndColor = 11118482
BackWall.Gradient.Visible = True
BackWall.Transparent = False
Border.Color = 14645801
Border.Width = 7
Border.Visible = True
BottomWall.Gradient.EndColor = 16580349
BottomWall.Gradient.StartColor = 3114493
BottomWall.Gradient.Visible = True
Gradient.Direction = gdDiagonalDown
Gradient.EndColor = 11645361
Gradient.Visible = True
LeftWall.Gradient.EndColor = 2413052
LeftWall.Gradient.StartColor = 900220
LeftWall.Gradient.Visible = True
Legend.Color = clInfoBk
Legend.Gradient.Direction = gdTopBottom
Legend.Gradient.EndColor = clYellow
Legend.Gradient.StartColor = clWhite
Legend.Gradient.Visible = True
Legend.Shadow.Color = 13421772
Legend.Shadow.Transparency = 50
Legend.Symbol.Pen.Visible = False
Legend.Visible = False
MarginBottom = 1
MarginLeft = 1
MarginRight = 1
MarginTop = 1
Title.Color = clInfoBk
Title.Font.Height = -13
Title.Font.Style = [fsBold]
Title.Frame.Color = clGray
Title.Shadow.HorizSize = 0
Title.Shadow.VertSize = 0
Title.Text.Strings = (
'Click on a slice')
OnClickSeries = Chart4ClickSeries
Chart3DPercent = 25
Shadow.Color = clBlack
Shadow.HorizSize = 10
Shadow.VertSize = 10
View3DOptions.Elevation = 315
View3DOptions.Orthogonal = False
View3DOptions.Perspective = 0
View3DOptions.Rotation = 360
BevelOuter = bvNone
TabOrder = 0
OnMouseWheelDown = Chart4MouseWheelDown
OnMouseWheelUp = Chart4MouseWheelUp
PrintMargins = (
ColorPaletteIndex = 9
object Series5: TPieSeries
Marks.Callout.Brush.Color = clBlack
Marks.Frame.Color = clGray
Marks.Gradient.Visible = True
Marks.Shadow.Color = 13421772
Marks.Shadow.HorizSize = 2
Marks.Shadow.VertSize = 2
Marks.Visible = True
OnClick = Series5Click
Gradient.Direction = gdRadial
OtherSlice.Legend.Visible = False
OtherSlice.Text = 'Altro'
PiePen.Visible = False
PieValues.Name = 'Torta'
PieValues.Order = loNone
Data = {
have you tried setting TabStop to true ?
TeeUseMouseWheel := True;
have you tried setting TabStop to true ?
TeeUseMouseWheel := True;
Pep Jorge