Dialogs are cropped when large fonts are used at 1600x1200

TeeChart VCL for Borland/CodeGear/Embarcadero RAD Studio, Delphi and C++ Builder.
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Dialogs are cropped when large fonts are used at 1600x1200

Post by DJ » Mon Aug 28, 2006 3:32 am

When large fonts are used and the screen display is set to 1600x1200, many of the Teechart user interface dialogs are cropped. I can send you pictures of the dialogs if you like. Switching to small fonts displays the dialogs just fine.

I am unable to adjust the size of the dialogs because the recompile tool gives the following error: found explicitxxxx in form: ExplicitWidth = 377.

Typically I design at 1600x1200 large fonts and then verify that my app looks ok at lower resolutions and with small fonts.

How can I change the dialogs sizes and use the recompile tool to update the changes.

I have D2006 Pro and Teechart 7.07 installed.

It would be a good idea to verify your user interface dialogs at high screen resolution and large fonts. Displays won't be getting smaller!

Thanks for your help.

Dan Sox

I can send you screen shots if you like.

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Post by Marjan » Mon Aug 28, 2006 7:11 am

Hi, Dan.

Hmm. One quick and dirty workaround might be to remove ExplicitWidth and ExplicitHeight lines from form dfm files (you can use Notepad.exe for this).
Marjan Slatinek,

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