help needed: Triangle3D function and TTrianglePoint3D param
help needed: Triangle3D function and TTrianglePoint3D param
I couldn't find any sample or documentation on the usage of Triangle3D function and definition of TTrianglePoints3D and TTriangleColors3D parameters. Any information will be appriciated.
Hi, Omer.
I hope this will help:
As for the Triangle3D function, this Canvas method draws triangle by using the Points (3 3d point coordinatess) and colors it according to Colors[0] color.
I hope this will help:
Code: Select all
TPoint3D =packed record x,y,z:Integer; end;
TTrianglePoints3D=Array[0..2] of TPoint3D;
TTriangleColors3D=Array[0..2] of TColor;
Marjan Slatinek,