I have a problem when i try to assign new colors to a tColorGridSeries during runtime (Delphi 7, TeeChart 6.0 VCL/CLX). The code below tries to simulate a result array of a much larger project for finding specific regions on DNA strand. The example requires a TChart on the form and two buttons with their ButtonClick events.
My data are integers in a range of 0 to WindowSize (in the code below a constant); this means (WindowSize + 1) different colors. It is neccessary that 0 values are plotted in black, while values of WindowSize are displayed in white.
Now i urgently need to create an adjustable grayscale palette (dragging the black values up to a certain data value, or the white values down to a certain value, range from (0 to LowerLimit) is completely black and (UpperLimit to WindowSize) is completely white while the remaining steps are grayscale) but i already fail with the basic palette setup...
Maybe i did not understand the use of the palette (what is most likely), but there are a few things that appear strange to me:
- The two colors with the highest index number (in the case with a WindowSize of 7 the numbers 6 and 7) always seem to have the same color, regardless from any definition. This is not by default. It only happens when i call the UpdateColor procedure via Button1, although i do not understand where i made the mistake. It seems as if this happens in the component (can also sometimes be produced by changing a single color).
- Why does the ClearPalette command not work, when the lines prior to this command are missing?
- With Button2 i expected to assign the red color to all cells with a y-value of zero. The use must be somewhat different, i suppose....?
- Is it neccessary to have the complete definitions repeated in the UpdateColors procedure (PaletteSteps, UsePalette, etc...) ?
Maybe someone who can help me? I have been working much longer on the calculation algorithms than expected and hoped now to have a quick, comfortable and easy to use display method with the TeeChart component. T
he problem is that i need a high discriminatory power between the colors for the different values (not two colors being the same), as the emerging patterns are sometimes hard to read...
Thanks and greetings from ><)))°> Town, Germany
Code: Select all
unit Unit1;
Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
Dialogs, ExtCtrls, TeeProcs, TeEngine, Chart, TeeSurfa, StdCtrls;
Const WindowSize = 7;
UpperLimit = 7;
LowerLimit = 0;
TForm1 = class(TForm)
Chart1: TChart;
Button1: TButton;
Button2: TButton;
procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
Procedure UpdateColors;
procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
{ Private-Deklarationen }
{ Public-Deklarationen }
Form1: TForm1;
{$R *.dfm}
Procedure tForm1.UpdateColors;
var t : Integer;
NumSteps : Integer;
aColStep : Byte;
aColor : Byte;
NumSteps := WindowSize + 1;
(Chart1.Series[0] as TColorGridSeries).UseColorRange := False ;
(Chart1.Series[0] as TColorGridSeries).UsePalette := True;
(Chart1.Series[0] as TColorGridSeries).PaletteSteps := NumSteps;
(Chart1.Series[0] as TColorGridSeries).PaletteStep := 1;
(Chart1.Series[0] as TColorGridSeries).UsePaletteMin := True;
(Chart1.Series[0] as TColorGridSeries).PaletteMin := 0 ;
(Chart1.Series[0] as TColorGridSeries).ClearPalette;
aColor := 0;
aColStep := Trunc (255 / NumSteps);
For t := 0 to NumSteps - 1 do
(Chart1.Series[0] as TColorGridSeries).AddPalette (t, RGB (aColor, aColor, aColor));
aColor := aColor + aColStep;
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
Var x : Integer;
z : Integer;
aVal : Integer;
Chart1.View3D := False;
CHart1.Legend.Visible := True;
Chart1.Legend.Symbol.Squared := True;
Chart1.AddSeries (tColorGridSeries.Create (Chart1));
(Chart1.Series[0] as TColorGridSeries).UseColorRange := False ;
(Chart1.Series[0] as TColorGridSeries).UsePalette := True;
(Chart1.Series[0] as TColorGridSeries).PaletteSteps := WindowSize+1;
(Chart1.Series[0] as TColorGridSeries).PaletteStep := 1;
(Chart1.Series[0] as TColorGridSeries).UsePaletteMin := True;
(Chart1.Series[0] as TColorGridSeries).PaletteMin := 0 ;
For x := 0 to 30 do
For z := 0 to 30 do
aVal := Round (Random (WindowSize+1));
(Chart1.Series[0] as TColorGridSeries).AddXYZ (x, aVal, z);
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
(Chart1.Series[0] as TColorGridSeries).Palette[0].Color := clRed;