Dear Support Group,
I am using TChart with a Bar Series (whose Style is a Label),
How can i explicity set Y Label Values to a new String value.
Thanking You
TChart Y Label
Hello venk!
if you set Y Label to a new string value, you could doing of 2 diferents ways:
This method change value of left axes for Series value, but if you interested change value of left axes for either string you could used event:
Best Regards
if you set Y Label to a new string value, you could doing of 2 diferents ways:
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
procedure Chart1GetAxisLabel(Sender: TChartAxis; Series: TChartSeries;
ValueIndex: Integer; var LabelText: String);
Best Regards
Hi venk!
Nothing happens, if you work with marks is very similar Y labels, you could used:
or also you could used Marks event:
I hope than I can resolved your problem
Best Regards
Nothing happens, if you work with marks is very similar Y labels, you could used:
Code: Select all
or also you could used Marks event:
Code: Select all
procedure Series1GetMarkText(Sender: TChartSeries; ValueIndex: Integer;
var MarkText: String);
I hope than I can resolved your problem
Best Regards