Yet another Unicode issue...
RAD Studio 2009
TeeChart Pro 8.04
QuickReport Pro 5.04.2
As I need to export graphs as PDF files and it is not supported by TeeChart for Delphi 2009, I have tried to use QuickReport (with Gnostice Technologies). In a TQuickRep I have add a TQRChart for which I have specified the chart to be exported (QRChart1.SetChart(Chart1)). Chart1 contains a TBarSeries with Unicode labels. They are correctly displayed in Chart1 (assigning Chart1.BottomAxis.LabelsFont to 'Arial Unicode MS') but not in QRChart1. It seems QRChart1.BottomAxis.LabelsFont is enforced to 'Arial'!
I have uploaded a file QuickReport.zip which contains 2 QRP files showing the export with TQRChart or TQRGrImage (from TMetaFile). As TQRChart is better (especially for TPieSeries), could you solve this?
Best regards,
TQRChart BottomAxis.LabelsFont
Hi Alain,
If I understand well, this code should reproduce the issue, isn't it?
It seems to work fine here. Please, could you send us a simple example project we can run "as-is" to reproduce the problem here?
You can either post your files at news://www.steema.net/steema.public.attachments newsgroup or at our upload page.
If I understand well, this code should reproduce the issue, isn't it?
It seems to work fine here. Please, could you send us a simple example project we can run "as-is" to reproduce the problem here?
You can either post your files at news://www.steema.net/steema.public.attachments newsgroup or at our upload page.
Code: Select all
uses series;
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
Chart1[0].Labels[2] := '活体';
Chart1.Axes.Bottom.LabelsFont.Name := 'Arial Unicode MS';
Best Regards,
Yeray Alonso Development & Support Steema Software Av. Montilivi 33, 17003 Girona, Catalonia (SP) | |
Please read our Bug Fixing Policy |
I sent you a project (Project1.zip) showing this problem.
The Form1 contains a Unicode chart with a TBarSeries. The Clone button opens Form2 copying the TBarSeries to another chart using CloneChartSeries. Everything is OK!
The Form2 has also a Clone button which opens Form3 assigning the TChart to a TQRChart using SetChart. LabelsFont properties are ignored!
LeftAxis is not fsBold and BottomAxis is not fsItalic. I think that 'Arial' is used instead of 'Arial Unicode MS'. That is why the Chinese characters are replaced by white squares...
The Form1 contains a Unicode chart with a TBarSeries. The Clone button opens Form2 copying the TBarSeries to another chart using CloneChartSeries. Everything is OK!
The Form2 has also a Clone button which opens Form3 assigning the TChart to a TQRChart using SetChart. LabelsFont properties are ignored!
LeftAxis is not fsBold and BottomAxis is not fsItalic. I think that 'Arial' is used instead of 'Arial Unicode MS'. That is why the Chinese characters are replaced by white squares...
You're right, this code works fine:
Another solution is to configure (at design time) the TQRChart and clone the TBarSeries:
SetChart does not function properly!
Thank you very much, this can be a way to by-pass this issue.
Code: Select all
Chart2 := TChart.Create(Self);
Chart2.Align := alClient;
Chart2.Color := clWhite;
Chart2.BackWall.Color := clWhite;
Chart2.BottomWall.Color := clGray;
Chart2.Title.Font.Height := -21;
Chart2.Title.Font.Name := 'Arial Unicode MS';
Chart2[0].ColorEachPoint := True;
Chart2.Axes.Left.LabelsFont.Height := -13;
Chart2.Axes.Left.LabelsFont.Name := 'Arial Unicode MS';
Chart2.Axes.Left.LabelsFont.Style := [fsBold];
Chart2.Axes.Bottom.LabelsFont.Height := -13;
Chart2.Axes.Bottom.LabelsFont.Name := 'Arial Unicode MS';
Chart2.Axes.Bottom.LabelsFont.Style := [fsItalic];
Chart2.Axes.Bottom.LabelStyle := talText;
Chart2.Legend.Font.Name := 'Arial Unicode MS';
Chart2[0].Marks.Font.Name:= 'Arial Unicode MS';
Chart2[0].Labels[0] := 'Gerste';
Chart2[0].Labels[1] := 'Barley';
Chart2[0].Labels[2] := 'Cevada';
Chart2[0].Labels[3] := 'Orge';
Chart2[0].Labels[4] := 'Árpa';
Chart2[0].Labels[5] := 'Orzo';
Chart2[0].Labels[6] := 'Jęczmień';
Chart2[0].Labels[7] := 'Korn';
Chart2[0].Labels[8] := '大麦';
Code: Select all
// Form3.QRChart1.SetChart(Chart1);
CloneChartSeries(Chart1[0]).ParentChart := Form3.QRChart1.Chart;
Thank you very much, this can be a way to by-pass this issue.
Hi Alain,
I'm happy to see that you've found a workaround but anyway I've added it to the wish list to be fixed in future releases (TV52014163).
I'm happy to see that you've found a workaround but anyway I've added it to the wish list to be fixed in future releases (TV52014163).
Best Regards,
Yeray Alonso Development & Support Steema Software Av. Montilivi 33, 17003 Girona, Catalonia (SP) | |
Please read our Bug Fixing Policy |