I use following code to create a line out of a database @ runtime. Unfortunately the property of interest "TreatNulls " is not applied.
In the ChartEditor, the property is set to what's been coded, but the line itself is not *affected*!
-> (speak, the line is drawn in any case in "tnIgnore" mode )
I did try to place the TreatNull code-line at different places, but without success.
can you advise me what am I doing wrong or how it can be corrected?
Code: Select all
fs := TFastLineSeries.Create(Self);
with fs do
ParentChart := ch;
XValues.Order := loNone;
XValues.DateTime:= True;
TreatNulls := tnSkip; // tnDontPaint, tnSkip, tnIgnore <-- is not "accepted"
AutoRepaint := False;
LinePen.OwnerCriticalSection := nil;
FastPen := True;
Stairs := True;
Title := 'Test';
DataSource := PCmain.D_DATA;
XValues.ValueSource:= 'COL_0';
YValues.ValueSource:= 'COL_4';
Using TeeChart8.06Delphi2009