Is it possible to draw labels with text on the peaks (I know the coordinates) of a TFastline?
I've tried to use the textvalue while using the AddXY function, but when enabling the labels, I see all labels for all datapoints, so not just the assigned labels.
I'm using V5.03 for D7
Create labels on peaks with TFastline
Hi, Arnold.
You can use series OnGetMarkText event to filter point labels you want to display. For example:
You can use series OnGetMarkText event to filter point labels you want to display. For example:
Code: Select all
procedure TForm1.Series1GetMarkText(Sender: TChartSeries;
ValueIndex: Integer; var MarkText: String);
if Sender.YValue[ValueIndex] <> Sender.YValues.MaxValue then MarkText := ''
else MarkText := 'Max';
Marjan Slatinek,