I am having a problem with the Series Data Source tab.
No datasets appear in the combobox.
The project is a Delphi Win32 app. It originally was Delphi 6 with corresponding TeeChart VCL version.
I am recompiling with Delphi 2005 and TeeChart 7.02.
I am able to view the Form as text and edit the TAreaSeries object directly by seting DataSource = adoProcGetInvForecast - it will compile just fine and run perfectly.
adoProcGetInvForecast is a TADOStoredProcedure component which accesses a SQL Server stored procedure.
The data components are in the same module as the DBChart. I have tried re-installing TeeChart, and also tried deleting and re-adding the ADO components. The datasets still do not show up. I have created a test app and used BDE component with a TTable as a PDOX table. It still does not show any data sets.
Is there any way to repair this?
Series Datasource DataSets combobox empty and button greyed
Hi Den,
yes, you're correct, I'm able to reproduce it here, it's a bug. I've added it on our defect list and a fix for it will be considered to inclusion for the next maintenance release. In meantime a workaround is to assign the DataSet via code.
yes, you're correct, I'm able to reproduce it here, it's a bug. I've added it on our defect list and a fix for it will be considered to inclusion for the next maintenance release. In meantime a workaround is to assign the DataSet via code.
Pep Jorge
Hi Dirk,
yes, you're correct, it still not fixed. I've put a note, and we'll do all the efforts to fix it for the next maintenance releases.
yes, you're correct, it still not fixed. I've put a note, and we'll do all the efforts to fix it for the next maintenance releases.
Pep Jorge