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TeeStore is not removed from debug path

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 12:17 pm
by 10550677
Dear Sir,

I'm using TeeChart 8.06 for Delphi 2010. When I trying to complie an application with debug dcus I'm getting next error

[DCC Fatal Error] xxx.pas(6): F2051 Unit TeeStore was compiled with a different version of Chart.TCustomChart

As I understand it happen because an old TeeStore.dcu is not removed from debug path by TeeChart instalation.

PS I have noticed that the same problem was reported for the previous TeeChart verssions (see ... 54&start=0) so I'm wondering why it is not fixed yet.

Best Regards,

Re: TeeStore is not removed from debug path

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 11:41 am
by narcis
Hi Nikolai,

This is not a bug but your Delphi still referencing old TeeChart packages. In most cases TeeChart installer does the job automatically but sometimes it fails to do so. Have you set your search paths as described in the post you pointed?

Thanks in advance.

Re: TeeStore is not removed from debug path

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 12:40 pm
by 10550677
Dear NarcĂ­s,

I keep my seach path "as is" (actually I should point out that debug path is the only path added in "Debug" Build Configuration, all others paths are inherited from "Base" Build Configuration). So I have deleted the old TeeStore.dcu manually and all my projects works fine now.

As I understand from your post TeeChart installer should delete this file. It could be a number of reasons the installer may fail to delete it (the file is locked for example) but in this case I expect to see a error message telling that I should delete the file manually. So I treat it as a bug if the installer have the file not deleted and it have no error message shown.

PS I can also imagine that intaller have deleted the file successfully and it was some how restored later... I'll try to investigate this and let you know if I have any result.

Best Regards,

Re: TeeStore is not removed from debug path

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 12:48 pm
by narcis
Dear Nikolai,
I keep my seach path "as is" (actually I should point out that debug path is the only path added in "Debug" Build Configuration, all others paths are inherited from "Base" Build Configuration). So I have deleted the old TeeStore.dcu manually and all my projects works fine now.
No need to delete files. You could just change "base" configuration at Tools -> Options...
As I understand from your post TeeChart installer should delete this file. It could be a number of reasons the installer may fail to delete it (the file is locked for example) but in this case I expect to see a error message telling that I should delete the file manually. So I treat it as a bug if the installer have the file not deleted and it have no error message shown.
It shouldn't be deleted, just moved to a new backup folder that TeeChart creates.
PS I can also imagine that intaller have deleted the file successfully and it was some how restored later... I'll try to investigate this and let you know if I have any result.
Yes, we have found that installing Delphi 2010 update 1 installs standard TeeChart packages again.

Re: TeeStore is not removed from debug path

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 10:48 am
by 9242554
I discovered that 3 files in $(BDS)\lib\debug folder never moved during installation of TeeChart 8.06 for Delphi 2010.


I tested this on 3 different machines and they always stay after installing Pro version. And I never got any warning during installation that you was not able to move it because of lock conflict or something like this.

Looks to me like a bug in your installation program.

Re: TeeStore is not removed from debug path

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 1:38 pm
by yeray
Hi Impet,

I've made a new installation of Rad Studio 2010 and I've found that the following files, that are already present in the lib folder, are repeated:
TeeFilters.dcu at lib\debug
TeeFultersEditor.dcu at lib\debug
TeeStore.dcu at lib\debug and at at lib\obj

This means that this would be a Rad Studio problem so you could inform Embarcadero of the presence of this in their Quality Central.
In the meanwhile, we will also try to improve the TeeChart installer to check that.

Re: TeeStore is not removed from debug path

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 1:45 pm
by 9242554
I do not think that this is a bug in Delphi 2010 instlalation.

Following files


present both in lib and lib\debug folders but they are different. Files in lib\debug are larger as they contain debug info (as expected).

So I do not see any reason to report this to Embarcadero, to me it looks like bug in TeeChart installation program.

Re: TeeStore is not removed from debug path

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 1:52 pm
by yeray
Hi Impet,

As said above, we'll investigate it (TV52014507).

Re: TeeStore is not removed from debug path

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 10:23 am
by 10555416
I upgraded to Teechart Pro 8 and spend hours to resolve the 'teestore compiled with different chart.tcustomchart unit...' etc. error.
I only had it with the TCHartPageNavigator component on some form.

Until I found this 5 month old thread which solved my problem.

You indeed have a problem with the installer still. I am actually amazed that this has not been fixed. Do not many other have this error?
I had the error with debug dcu's option off which also is strange if i fixed it through removing dcu's only from the lib\debug folder. Is Teechart somehow looking for debug dcu's even when not in debug compiler mode?

Re: TeeStore is not removed from debug path

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 5:01 pm
by yeray
Hi wvisser,

I've incremented the issue (TV52014507) priority.

Re: TeeStore is not removed from debug path

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 3:29 pm
by narcis
Hello everyone,

Just wanted to let you know that TV52014507 has been fixed for next maintenance release.