D2010, QuickReprt and TQRChart...a nightmare again!
Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 2:53 pm
Well, this as always been a pain in the ... to install that package. and as usual, it didnt work and im out of energy trying to make it work by myself. Can you please help me out.
Delphi 2010 update 5
QuickReport 5.042
My traces:
General note: These steps are written in order to help users when trying to install the TQRChart component without depending on the TeeChart, QuickReport or Delphi version they use.
Thanks a lot, really was near to reach my goal. Need a lil adjustment and we are in business.
All TeeChart packages are compiled with built-in version of Quick Report. If you're using different Quick Report version (newer or PRO version) you'll have to recompile and reinstall TQRChart component files after you've installed the latest TeeChart and Quick Report version. The necessary source code files (all TQRChart component files) and instructions how to do this are usually located in one of TeeChart subfolders ("QuickReport" subfolder). In addition, below you will find step-by-step instructions explaining how to compile and use TeeChart with any QuickReport version.
Well, i haven't find any of those subfolders in my "TeeChart Pro 8.06 Full Source Code" folder. It was in Sources subfolder with all the others source files. So i said to myself, good, thats really a good start i have to find my files.
1. Uninstall old TeeChart with Delphi closed.
Removed the Component Std in Delphi 2010 new installation. (Dont understand why i had to install TeeChart from Delphi installation, other Delphi i was using asked my if i wish to install the components or not.
2. Uninstall old QuickReport with Delphi closed.
none was installed
3. Clean residual files and folders if remaining. Search TeeChart and QuickReport remaining files at Delphi's bin folder, Delphi's lib folder and windows' system32 folder.
recursive searched for tee*.* in all folders and deleted files.
4. Clean Delphi's search path. Remove references to uninstalled packages.
None was found.
5. Open Delphi and test it running an empty form.
6. Install QuickReport with Delphi closed.
7. Open Delphi and add the QuickReport design bpl at Delphi's package list.
Don't have to do it, its done by the install software.
8. Add the search path where QuickReport was installed.
Done by the install software
9. Test Delphi with QuickReport running an application with only a QuickRep component on the form.
Weird, couldnt find QuickReport file so i had to add a random path and remove it to from the library path to make it work
10. Install TeeChart with Delphi closed.
TeeRecompile, Option := [Install packages into IDEs], Packages := [TeeTree,QuickReport];
11. Open Delphi and test it with TeeChart running an application with only a Chart component on the form.
Now let's get ready to compile TQRChart.
cool, Now we are talking!
12. We recommend you to create a new folder that will contain the compiled files we are going to get. This will be only a temporal folder and we can delete it after finishing all the installation process. But in meanwhile, as we need to reference it we will call it as "compiled folder" during this installation instructions.
Done, new folder on my desktop
13. Open runtime package for TQRChart. It is called Tee8QR4D11.dpk, Tee7QR4D10.dpk,... depending on your particular TeeChart, QuickReport and Delphi/BCB version environment. The first number indicates which TeeChart version was the package made for, the second number indicates the QuickReport version and the last number indicates the Delphi version. You will find the package at your TeeChart installation folder, inside QuickReport folder.
Opened Project Tee8QR5D14.dpk and again no it wasnt in QuickReport folder it was in sources folder.
14. Set the "compiled folder" we've just created as output path for the compiled files that will generate the package compilation. This will make easier to find the bpl, dcu and dcp files.
Changed DCP output directory with Package output directory and unit output directory of the project option to my folder "compiled folder".
15. Build the project. You may find an error finding the correct runtime library for QuickReport. So you should look for the dcp file that causes the problem at the requires list, remove it from the list and add the correct one from your QuickReport installation folder, inside its bpl folder. Then, try to build it again.
First i got the error you were telling, so i remove the line with the QR5Run2008, rebuild and delphi told me to use QR5RunD2010, so i said YES to add it to my project.
Build again... [DCC Error] E2466 Never-build package '.Tee8QR5D14' requires always-build package 'QR5RunD2010'
after some google i found out that {$IMPLICITBUILD ON} must be set to off otherwise i am always getting that error.
16. Save the project once it will compile fine.
17. Open design time package for TQRChart. It is called (following the same number nomenclature as before) DclTee8QR4D11.dpk, DclTee7QR4D10.dpk,... You will find the package at your TeeChart installation folder, inside QuickReport folder.
Opened Project DclTee8QR5D14.dpk and again no it wasnt in QuickReport folder it was in sources folder.
18. Again, set the "compiled folder" as output path for the compiled files that will generate the package compilation. and this time add this folder to the search path list to as this design time package needs to find the TQRChart runtime package compiled files we've just generated.
Changed DCP output directory with Package output directory and unit output directory of the project option to my folder "compiled folder".
19. Build the project. You may find an error finding the correct design time library for TeeChart. So you should look for the dcp file that causes the problem at the requires list, remove it from the list and add the correct one from your TeeChart installation folder, inside its lib folder. It's called DclTeePro811.dcp, DclTeePro710.dcp,... Then, try to build it again.
First i got the error you were telling, so i remove the line with the QR5Run2008, rebuild and delphi told me to use QR5RunD2010, so i said YES to add it to my project.
Build again... [DCC Error] E2466 Never-build package '.Tee8QR5D14' requires always-build package 'QR5RunD2010'
after some google i found out that {$IMPLICITBUILD ON} must be set to off otherwise i am always getting that error.
20. Save the project once it will compile fine.
Now you should have everything you need compiled.
Woot, can't wait to install it in delphi
21. Close Delphi and copy the compiled files from your "compiled folder":
- TQRChart 's design time bpl to Delphi's bin folder (DclTee8QR4D11.bpl or DclTee7QR4D10.bpl or...).
DclTee8QR5D14.bpl done
- All dcu and dcp files to Delphi's lib folder.
- TQRChart 's runtime bpl to your windows' system32 folder (Tee8QR4D11.bpl or Tee7QR4D10.bpl or...).
Tee8QR5D14.bpl done
22. Still with Delphi closed, copy all bpls from the bpl folder inside your TeeChart installation folder to your Delphi's bin folder.
hum... i dont have any bpl folder, if i search, i got some bpl in bin folder lets copy them
DclTee814, DclTeePro814 and DclTeeProStd814
23. Open Delphi and add TQRChart 's design time bpl from your Delphi's bin folder to Delphi's package list.
Cannot load package 'DclTeePro814.' It contains unit 'TeeChartReg,'which is also contained in package 'DclTee814'
24. Finally, you could test if TQRChart works fine in a new application. To do this, create a new application in you IDE, drag a QuickRep component on the Form, drag a QRBand component onto the QuickRep and a TQRChart component onto the QRBand.
I wish i could, dreamed of it for a long time
Delphi 2010 update 5
QuickReport 5.042
My traces:
General note: These steps are written in order to help users when trying to install the TQRChart component without depending on the TeeChart, QuickReport or Delphi version they use.
Thanks a lot, really was near to reach my goal. Need a lil adjustment and we are in business.
All TeeChart packages are compiled with built-in version of Quick Report. If you're using different Quick Report version (newer or PRO version) you'll have to recompile and reinstall TQRChart component files after you've installed the latest TeeChart and Quick Report version. The necessary source code files (all TQRChart component files) and instructions how to do this are usually located in one of TeeChart subfolders ("QuickReport" subfolder). In addition, below you will find step-by-step instructions explaining how to compile and use TeeChart with any QuickReport version.
Well, i haven't find any of those subfolders in my "TeeChart Pro 8.06 Full Source Code" folder. It was in Sources subfolder with all the others source files. So i said to myself, good, thats really a good start i have to find my files.
1. Uninstall old TeeChart with Delphi closed.
Removed the Component Std in Delphi 2010 new installation. (Dont understand why i had to install TeeChart from Delphi installation, other Delphi i was using asked my if i wish to install the components or not.
2. Uninstall old QuickReport with Delphi closed.
none was installed
3. Clean residual files and folders if remaining. Search TeeChart and QuickReport remaining files at Delphi's bin folder, Delphi's lib folder and windows' system32 folder.
recursive searched for tee*.* in all folders and deleted files.
4. Clean Delphi's search path. Remove references to uninstalled packages.
None was found.
5. Open Delphi and test it running an empty form.
6. Install QuickReport with Delphi closed.
7. Open Delphi and add the QuickReport design bpl at Delphi's package list.
Don't have to do it, its done by the install software.
8. Add the search path where QuickReport was installed.
Done by the install software
9. Test Delphi with QuickReport running an application with only a QuickRep component on the form.
Weird, couldnt find QuickReport file so i had to add a random path and remove it to from the library path to make it work
10. Install TeeChart with Delphi closed.
TeeRecompile, Option := [Install packages into IDEs], Packages := [TeeTree,QuickReport];
11. Open Delphi and test it with TeeChart running an application with only a Chart component on the form.
Now let's get ready to compile TQRChart.
cool, Now we are talking!
12. We recommend you to create a new folder that will contain the compiled files we are going to get. This will be only a temporal folder and we can delete it after finishing all the installation process. But in meanwhile, as we need to reference it we will call it as "compiled folder" during this installation instructions.
Done, new folder on my desktop
13. Open runtime package for TQRChart. It is called Tee8QR4D11.dpk, Tee7QR4D10.dpk,... depending on your particular TeeChart, QuickReport and Delphi/BCB version environment. The first number indicates which TeeChart version was the package made for, the second number indicates the QuickReport version and the last number indicates the Delphi version. You will find the package at your TeeChart installation folder, inside QuickReport folder.
Opened Project Tee8QR5D14.dpk and again no it wasnt in QuickReport folder it was in sources folder.
14. Set the "compiled folder" we've just created as output path for the compiled files that will generate the package compilation. This will make easier to find the bpl, dcu and dcp files.
Changed DCP output directory with Package output directory and unit output directory of the project option to my folder "compiled folder".
15. Build the project. You may find an error finding the correct runtime library for QuickReport. So you should look for the dcp file that causes the problem at the requires list, remove it from the list and add the correct one from your QuickReport installation folder, inside its bpl folder. Then, try to build it again.
First i got the error you were telling, so i remove the line with the QR5Run2008, rebuild and delphi told me to use QR5RunD2010, so i said YES to add it to my project.
Build again... [DCC Error] E2466 Never-build package '.Tee8QR5D14' requires always-build package 'QR5RunD2010'
after some google i found out that {$IMPLICITBUILD ON} must be set to off otherwise i am always getting that error.
16. Save the project once it will compile fine.
17. Open design time package for TQRChart. It is called (following the same number nomenclature as before) DclTee8QR4D11.dpk, DclTee7QR4D10.dpk,... You will find the package at your TeeChart installation folder, inside QuickReport folder.
Opened Project DclTee8QR5D14.dpk and again no it wasnt in QuickReport folder it was in sources folder.
18. Again, set the "compiled folder" as output path for the compiled files that will generate the package compilation. and this time add this folder to the search path list to as this design time package needs to find the TQRChart runtime package compiled files we've just generated.
Changed DCP output directory with Package output directory and unit output directory of the project option to my folder "compiled folder".
19. Build the project. You may find an error finding the correct design time library for TeeChart. So you should look for the dcp file that causes the problem at the requires list, remove it from the list and add the correct one from your TeeChart installation folder, inside its lib folder. It's called DclTeePro811.dcp, DclTeePro710.dcp,... Then, try to build it again.
First i got the error you were telling, so i remove the line with the QR5Run2008, rebuild and delphi told me to use QR5RunD2010, so i said YES to add it to my project.
Build again... [DCC Error] E2466 Never-build package '.Tee8QR5D14' requires always-build package 'QR5RunD2010'
after some google i found out that {$IMPLICITBUILD ON} must be set to off otherwise i am always getting that error.
20. Save the project once it will compile fine.
Now you should have everything you need compiled.
Woot, can't wait to install it in delphi
21. Close Delphi and copy the compiled files from your "compiled folder":
- TQRChart 's design time bpl to Delphi's bin folder (DclTee8QR4D11.bpl or DclTee7QR4D10.bpl or...).
DclTee8QR5D14.bpl done
- All dcu and dcp files to Delphi's lib folder.
- TQRChart 's runtime bpl to your windows' system32 folder (Tee8QR4D11.bpl or Tee7QR4D10.bpl or...).
Tee8QR5D14.bpl done
22. Still with Delphi closed, copy all bpls from the bpl folder inside your TeeChart installation folder to your Delphi's bin folder.
hum... i dont have any bpl folder, if i search, i got some bpl in bin folder lets copy them
DclTee814, DclTeePro814 and DclTeeProStd814
23. Open Delphi and add TQRChart 's design time bpl from your Delphi's bin folder to Delphi's package list.
Cannot load package 'DclTeePro814.' It contains unit 'TeeChartReg,'which is also contained in package 'DclTee814'
24. Finally, you could test if TQRChart works fine in a new application. To do this, create a new application in you IDE, drag a QuickRep component on the Form, drag a QRBand component onto the QuickRep and a TQRChart component onto the QRBand.
I wish i could, dreamed of it for a long time