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Runtime Access of TOptionsForm

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 9:37 pm
by 16558547
Currently the TOptionsForm is only accessible from the design environment even though the options have a major impact on the run time editor (TChartEditor). This means that we must put custom coding in to get the changes we need from the user and then go in and update the registry.

Please consider giving us run time access to this processing.


Re: Runtime Access of TOptionsForm

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 8:39 am
by yeray
Hello miked,

You can show the same Form at runtime as follows:

Code: Select all

uses TeeDesignOptions;

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  with TOptionsForm.Create(Self) do

Re: Runtime Access of TOptionsForm

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 3:17 pm
by 16558547
I already tried that and could not get it to work.

I do the processing using C++ and the code is contained in a DLL. I added the include for the class and the pragma link for the link. When I go to link the DLL, I get the following error:

[ILINK32 Error] Fatal: Unable to open file 'TEEDESIGNOPTIONS.OBJ'

I tried a couple of other names for the pragma link and got the same result.

Re: Runtime Access of TOptionsForm

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 2:19 pm
by yeray
Hello miked,

Adding the TeeDesignOptions.pas from your TeeChart installation folder, in "\Examples\Features C++\" to your project, the .obj is generated.

Re: Runtime Access of TOptionsForm

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 4:07 pm
by 16558547
I tried your suggestion and I get the following error during the compile processing:

[DCC Fatal Error] TeeDesignOptions.pas(24): F1026 File not found: 'TeCanvas.dcu'

I made sure all the search paths were correct in my project options. They point to where the dcu is located. You should note that I have only the C++ personality so I am not sure how this is suppose to work.

Re: Runtime Access of TOptionsForm

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 1:56 pm
by yeray
Hello Mike,

Could you please specify what exact TeeChart version, IDE and OS are you using?
Thanks in advance.

Re: Runtime Access of TOptionsForm

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 4:05 pm
by 16558547
I am using the latest TChart (Build 2011.03.30407), Embarcadero C++ 2010, on Windows XP.

I have Embarcadero C++ XE2, but waiting for the TChart binaries.

Re: Runtime Access of TOptionsForm

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 11:13 am
by yeray

I'm afraid we have some problems with the C++ demos and the latest IDEs that demand a quite deep revision.
However, the examples use the same code in the versions for the old IDEs so you could run the executable here compiled in C++Builder 6.

Re: Runtime Access of TOptionsForm

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 4:32 pm
by 16558547
I am sorry, but there appears to be a bit of confusion. My original request was to get access to the TOptionsForm so I could use it at run time. I was not not intending to use it as a demo or to view it as part of the demo. One suggestion was to include the form from the demo into my project, and that did not work.

I feel this processing is needed because TChart is now putting registry entries at the end user locations that alter the behavior of the default processing, and there is no other way to change these values without specifically writing code to update the registry or to change the registry manually. Since these default settings affect the run time editor processing for the end user, it only seems natural that they should be allowed to control the default behavior of the design environment as well.

Re: Runtime Access of TOptionsForm

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 9:01 am
by yeray
Hello miked,
miked wrote:I am sorry, but there appears to be a bit of confusion. My original request was to get access to the TOptionsForm so I could use it at run time. I was not not intending to use it as a demo or to view it as part of the demo.
Oups. I obviously got confused somehow. Excuse me for that.
miked wrote:One suggestion was to include the form from the demo into my project, and that did not work.
I've checked it again and it seems to work for me here. Could you please try the project attached?
(7.28 KiB) Downloaded 716 times
miked wrote:I feel this processing is needed because TChart is now putting registry entries at the end user locations that alter the behavior of the default processing, and there is no other way to change these values without specifically writing code to update the registry or to change the registry manually. Since these default settings affect the run time editor processing for the end user, it only seems natural that they should be allowed to control the default behavior of the design environment as well.
You should be able to run the Options form at runtime as in the example above but also to force an individual property. In the example above I also forced the editor to show the tabs instead of the Tree with:

Code: Select all

If you are interested on any particular property, you could take a look at the TeeDesignOptions.pas file and see how the properties are saved.
Alternatively, if you want to access register yourself to change any property, here is where the configuration is saved:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Steema Software\TeeChart Pro\Editor

Re: Runtime Access of TOptionsForm

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 4:45 pm
by 16558547
Your project works correctly because it is in a standalone module. I indicated earlier in the post that I was attempting to use it in a DLL. Because of the duplicated use of TChart in my DLLs, I use the runtime modules. (If I don't use runtime modules, I have other problems to deal with) The DLL processing does not work for the Options Form.

Previously I attempted to "convert" the Options Form to C++. The dialog uses some of the "inbuilt" stuff for its processing and greatly assists in the use of the dialog. (I am referring to the processing on the New Chart tab). These items are really important to the overall interface. When I did this, I had all kinds of problems when I ran the program. The DLL was faulting when the program started, so it is not possible to include this processing separately.

I have tried everything I can think of, and have not had any success, thus my request. As I said, the Options Form allows for the setting of the design defaults, but can not be accessed in a "run-time" environment. I realize that I can access the registry myself (I had to do this to detour another problem), but it is not possible to completely replace the processing provided by the Options Form.

Re: Runtime Access of TOptionsForm

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 11:48 am
by yeray
Hello miked,

Could you please send us a simple example project we can run as-is to reproduce the problem here? Or maybe better two, one showing how do you create the dll and another one showing how do you use it.