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TSeriesBandTool and Color

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 2:50 pm
by 10553945

I like to use a TSeriesBandTool. I've got it working so far except a color definition. So during design time the SeriesBand is shown in black color. The design editor shows up a pen and a brush color. But neither of these colors do allow to change the color.
So where is a proper place to define the color of the series band ? Actually I use it with 90% transparancy, luckily this works.

I'm using Delpi XE2 Update4.

Best regards

Re: TSeriesBandTool and Color [Solved]

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 10:01 am
by 10553945
I've found a solution by using the Gradient colors.
Now I just wonder about the function of colors for pen and brush.


Re: TSeriesBandTool and Color

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 3:38 pm
by yeray
Hi Uli,
ulibru wrote:I like to use a TSeriesBandTool. I've got it working so far except a color definition. So during design time the SeriesBand is shown in black color. The design editor shows up a pen and a brush color. But neither of these colors do allow to change the color.
So where is a proper place to define the color of the series band ? Actually I use it with 90% transparancy, luckily this works.
Brush: Note int he Brush editor you can set two colors, Color and Back. Try setting the Back color when using the Solid pattern style. The other color is used when you choose a different pattern style, like ie "Zig zag".
Pen: By default, the line series have a pen width = 1. And the same for the TSeriesBandTool pen if you make it visible. Since the tool is drawn behind the series (you can also change this at design time) having a series pen width equal to the tool pen width results in a hidden tool pen. Try playing with the tool and series pens widths and with the "Draw Behind Series" checkbox.

If you still have any doubt about it don't hesitate to let us know.