I lost my hard drive, and had to reload Borland C++ v5 Enterprise and TeeChart v6.01. I then restored my development directories. When I access the projects, the charts show in the IDE just fine. But when I try to compile, I get the following errors (amongst many similar errors...)
[C++ Error] OHLChart.hpp(52): E2052 Dynamic function '_fastcall TOHLCSeries::IsValidSourceOf(TChartSeries *)' conflicts with base class 'TChartSeries'
[C++ Error] OHLChart.hpp(55): E2052 Dynamic function '_fastcall TOHLCSeries::NumSampleValues()' conflicts with base class 'TChartSeries'
[C++ Error] CandleCh.hpp(78 ): E2316 'TChartSubGalleryProc' is not a member of 'Teengine'