(I use TeeChart 7 y Builder 5)
There is a problem setting Maximum or Minimum properties in a Left Axis
when there are Custom Left Axis. The problem is that one or more than one
TChartSeries of the Left Axis set up invades space of another (or other) Left Axis.You can check this out easily in design time too:
1) Create one TChart.
2) Create 2 TLineSeries
3) Create 1 Custom Axis.
4) Set StartPostion=0 and EndPosition=49 for Chart->LeftAxis and
StartPosition=50 and EndPosition=100 for the Custom Axis created.
5) Set LeftAxis=TheCustomAxis created.
6)Set Chart->LeftAxis->Automatic = false and set
Chart->LeftAxis->Minimum = (some value between Minimum and Maximum of Chart->LeftAxis)
The result is that the Series assigned to LeftAxis invades the Custom Axes
Is there any idea to fix this behavior?
Thankssss in advance.
TChartAxis: Maximum & Minimum
I think the workaround is to manually clip individual series region. There is an example of this available in TeeChart demo. Especially, check the "All Features -> Axes -> Opaque zones" (the Axis_OpaqueZone.pas unit).
I think the workaround is to manually clip individual series region. There is an example of this available in TeeChart demo. Especially, check the "All Features -> Axes -> Opaque zones" (the Axis_OpaqueZone.pas unit).
Marjan Slatinek,