XE5 Update 2 ambiguity TGRectF
Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 3:01 am
Just got around to compiling an app under TChart 2013.09.131119 and XE5 update 2 (hot fix 1,2,3).
As discussed in a previous thread I'm getting the abiguity error when compiling as follows :-
[bcc32 Error] VCLTee.TeeGDIPlus.hpp(73): E2015 Ambiguity between 'TGPRectF' and 'Advgdip::TGPRectF'
I had this working previously but did a clean install of TChart and lost the mods I had made.
At any rate after some head scratching and not compiling I found the following works, edit the VCLTee.TeeGDIPlus.hpp file and move the user supplied typedef's under the VclTee namespace gets things sorted, as follows :-
namespace Vcltee
//-- user supplied -----------------------------------------------------------
typedef Gdiplus::Graphics TGPGraphics;
typedef Gdiplus::Brush TGPBrush;
typedef Gdiplus::Pen TGPPen;
typedef Gdiplus::Font TGPFont;
typedef Gdiplus::PrivateFontCollection TGPPrivateFontCollection;
typedef Gdiplus::RectF TGPRectF;
typedef Gdiplus::PointF TGPPointF;
typedef Gdiplus::GraphicsPath TGPGraphicsPath;
typedef Gdiplus::Matrix TGPMatrix;
typedef Gdiplus::Image TGPImage;
typedef Gdiplus::Rect TGPRect;
typedef Gdiplus::PathGradientBrush TGPPathGradientBrush;
typedef Gdiplus::LinearGradientBrush TGPLinearGradientBrush;
namespace Teegdiplus
Just got around to compiling an app under TChart 2013.09.131119 and XE5 update 2 (hot fix 1,2,3).
As discussed in a previous thread I'm getting the abiguity error when compiling as follows :-
[bcc32 Error] VCLTee.TeeGDIPlus.hpp(73): E2015 Ambiguity between 'TGPRectF' and 'Advgdip::TGPRectF'
I had this working previously but did a clean install of TChart and lost the mods I had made.
At any rate after some head scratching and not compiling I found the following works, edit the VCLTee.TeeGDIPlus.hpp file and move the user supplied typedef's under the VclTee namespace gets things sorted, as follows :-
namespace Vcltee
//-- user supplied -----------------------------------------------------------
typedef Gdiplus::Graphics TGPGraphics;
typedef Gdiplus::Brush TGPBrush;
typedef Gdiplus::Pen TGPPen;
typedef Gdiplus::Font TGPFont;
typedef Gdiplus::PrivateFontCollection TGPPrivateFontCollection;
typedef Gdiplus::RectF TGPRectF;
typedef Gdiplus::PointF TGPPointF;
typedef Gdiplus::GraphicsPath TGPGraphicsPath;
typedef Gdiplus::Matrix TGPMatrix;
typedef Gdiplus::Image TGPImage;
typedef Gdiplus::Rect TGPRect;
typedef Gdiplus::PathGradientBrush TGPPathGradientBrush;
typedef Gdiplus::LinearGradientBrush TGPLinearGradientBrush;
namespace Teegdiplus