rgsolutions wrote:Your test process is not quite the same as mine. You are running 8.1 and the Ultimate version, and I am running 8.0 and the Professional version. I do not believe that these are causing the issue.
Right, I doubt this difference could be relevant.
rgsolutions wrote:What is different is that you started with a new VM and installed the latest update. This is the first time that TChart is installed on your system. On my system, I started with TChart already installed (XE4 Beta from April 2013). I had to uninstall the old TChart version and install the new version.
I don't think this will be the issue either. Note we already have tested the installers with "dirty" machines.
I mean we have several machines here running different Windows versions (the majority now are on Win 8.1) with multiple IDEs installed and where we are constantly changing from a TeeChart version to another. If I made the VM was to check a clean system with a single IDE with only BCB personality.
rgsolutions wrote:To retest this situation, I performed the following actions:
1. Open the IDE and uninstall the TChart Components. This was done from the Component / Install Package menu bar option. I selected and removed the 'TChart Pro 2014 for FireMonkey Components', TChart Pro 2014 for VCL Components', and then 'TeeTree 2 Components'.
This is the most reliable way to uninstall the packages. Also note running TeeInstall.exe utility from the TeeChart installation does it for you if it finds the packages installed in the IDE, or installs them if it doesn't find them.
rgsolutions wrote:2. Closed the IDE.
3. Rebooted the system to ensure that any possible open DLLs are closed.
4. Manually removed the TChart files and directory.
5. Downloaded a fresh copy of the update from your web site.
6. Ran the binary installer, and the installation completed ok.
The process looks correct to me for a reinstallation of the component. As said before, we are constantly changing from a version to another.
Note in my case I don't use to remove the TeeChart files and directory. I just run TeeInstall.exe twice: one to uninstall the component from the IDE, and a second one to install the component present in the same folder as the TeeInstall.exe utility I'm running.
Then I open the IDE with no project opened and check all the paths.
rgsolutions wrote:7. Ran the IDE and I got the same error message.
Are you opening the IDE with no project loaded?
rgsolutions wrote:I suspect that something is still present from the previous install that is causing the issue.
That would be strange. Please make sure you are opening the IDE with no project loaded. If this loads the IDE successfully, but you get the error when loading a project with a chart, then the problem may that the project file contains a wrong reference hardcoded. To fix that I'm afraid you should manually edit the project file (with notepad or similar) and correct the wrong references.
Another tip that may be relevant is that, in Windows 8 it's better to run the installers and utilities such as TeeInstall or TeeRecompile "as administrator" so they can have the rights to copy the according files into the system folders.