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TchartAxis labels

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 1:01 pm
by 9339785

I have some problems with the property AxisValuesFormat of TChartAxis.
For all the axes I set
LabelsExponent := TRUE;
AxisValuesFormat := '#.###x10E-#';

First pb : the labels displayed beside the axis are displayed like this:
2.000x10E3 (instead of 2x10E3)

Second pb : for the bottom axis, the exponent of labels are not on good positions : the exponents are all above the dot instead to be above the 'x10'.

Last pb: the 0 value is never displayed as 0 but as, for instance, 1.237x10E-178.

I hope someone could help me on one of these probems.

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 9:13 am
by Pep
First pb : the labels displayed beside the axis are displayed like this:
2.000x10E3 (instead of 2x10E3)
Yes, you're correct. I can see the problem here. I've added i to our defect list to be reviewed and fixed for the next maintenance releases.
Second pb : for the bottom axis, the exponent of labels are not on good positions : the exponents are all above the dot instead to be above the 'x10'.
Yes, again I've added down the defect list so it can be fixed.
Last pb: the 0 value is never displayed as 0 but as, for instance, 1.237x10E-178.
How can I reproduce this one, I cannot see the problem ?

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 9:31 am
by 9339785
Last pb: the 0 value is never displayed as 0 but as, for instance, 1.237x10E-178.
To reproduce this pb you must display a serie of real who are distributed around zero and set
LabelsExponent := TRUE;
AxisValuesFormat := '#.###x10E-#';
My serie is compound of 200 points, from -0.0014 up to 0.014 (the min one =80x10E-6).

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 10:03 am
by Pep

yes, I see now. Already added on our defect list. We'll try to fix them for the next releases.

Thanks for the report.

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 2:30 pm
by 9339728
Pep wrote:Hi,

yes, I see now. Already added on our defect list. We'll try to fix them for the next releases.

Thanks for the report.
I use the Teechart 8.02, I still meet this problem, when I make the chart small, the 0 value is displayed as 0.00E+00, but I make the chart large or full screen, the 0 value is displayed as -1.78E-18. I have changed the value of MinAxisRange and MinAxisIncrement to smaller, but it doesn't work. please help me.

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 4:43 pm
by narcis
Hi steven,

We have been investigating the issue recently but haven't found a proper solution yet. The only solution I can think of for now is using the OnGetAxisLabel event for manually parsing such labels.