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Printing Charts

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2004 5:22 pm
by 9337509
I have a 6-page chart and I want to print 2 chart pages on each printed page - one underneath the other. The Help says to use the PrintPartial method and refers you to basic.pas in the examples for more info. However, I can't find this file anywhere. Can someone tell me where to find it or provide a code example for what I want to do please.


Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2004 7:05 am
by Pep
Hi Andrew,

you can use similar code to the following :

Try using TChart.PrintPartial method to print multiple charts. Something
like this:

Code: Select all

Uses ...,Printers;
  Chart1.PrintPartial(Rect(0,0,Printer.PageHeight-1,Printer.PageWidth div
