How can I prevent the grid drawing through the legend?
Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 9:03 am
I have the grid lines enabled for the Left Axis and want to show the legend inside the chart on the top. It works but the grid lines get drawn through the legend, which I don't want. I have not enabled transparency. Am I missing a setting?
Screenshot: Settings:
Screenshot: Settings:
Code: Select all
object TheChart: TChart
Left = 0
Top = 26
Width = 320
Height = 214
AllowPanning = pmNone
Foot.Visible = False
Legend.Alignment = laTop
Legend.Brush.Color = clWhite
Legend.LegendStyle = lsSeries
Legend.ResizeChart = False
Legend.Shadow.Visible = False
Legend.Symbol.Shadow.Visible = False
SubFoot.Visible = False
SubTitle.Visible = False
Title.Text.Strings = (
Title.Visible = False
BottomAxis.Automatic = False
BottomAxis.AutomaticMaximum = False
BottomAxis.AutomaticMinimum = False
BottomAxis.ExactDateTime = False
BottomAxis.Grid.Visible = False
BottomAxis.Increment = 1.000000000000000000
BottomAxis.LabelsAngle = 90
BottomAxis.LabelsOnAxis = False
BottomAxis.LabelsSeparation = 0
BottomAxis.LabelStyle = talValue
BottomAxis.Maximum = 33.000000000000000000
BottomAxis.Minimum = -1.000000000000000000
BottomAxis.Title.Caption = 'Laser Number'
LeftAxis.Automatic = False
LeftAxis.AutomaticMaximum = False
LeftAxis.AutomaticMinimum = False
LeftAxis.Grid.Color = clSilver
LeftAxis.Maximum = 4200.000000000000000000
LeftAxis.Minimum = -10.000000000000000000
LeftAxis.Title.Caption = 'Digits'
RightAxis.Visible = False
TopAxis.Visible = False
View3D = False
Zoom.Allow = False
OnGetNextAxisLabel = TheChartGetNextAxisLabel
Align = alClient
TabOrder = 0
DesignSize = (
ColorPaletteIndex = 13
object ser_Lasers: TBarSeries
BarBrush.BackColor = clDefault
Marks.Arrow.Visible = True
Marks.Callout.Brush.Color = clBlack
Marks.Callout.Arrow.Visible = True
Marks.Visible = False
SeriesColor = clLime
Title = 'Values'
Gradient.Direction = gdTopBottom
Shadow.Color = 8882055
XValues.Name = 'X'
XValues.Order = loNone
YValues.Name = 'Bar'
YValues.Order = loNone
object ser_Nulled: TFastLineSeries
Marks.Arrow.Visible = True
Marks.Callout.Brush.Color = clBlack
Marks.Callout.Arrow.Visible = True
Marks.Visible = False
Title = 'Nulled'
IgnoreNulls = False
LinePen.Color = 10708548
TreatNulls = tnDontPaint
XValues.Name = 'X'
XValues.Order = loAscending
YValues.Name = 'Y'
YValues.Order = loNone
object ser_Geneigt: TFastLineSeries
Active = False
Marks.Arrow.Visible = True
Marks.Callout.Brush.Color = clBlack
Marks.Callout.Arrow.Visible = True
Marks.Visible = False
SeriesColor = clRed
Title = 'Geneigt'
IgnoreNulls = False
LinePen.Color = clRed
TreatNulls = tnDontPaint
XValues.Name = 'X'
XValues.Order = loAscending
YValues.Name = 'Y'
YValues.Order = loNone