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Bugs in

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 10:18 am
by 16573750
Dear Steema people

By now I have reported 8 bugs in Of which 7 are confirmed, and 1 is in progress (for over a year)

I was wondering when I can expect these bugs to be fixed?

Regards -
Hans Hasenack

ID▲ Product Comp Assignee▲ Status▲ Resolution Summary Changed
832 VCL TeeC Chart CONF --- Trouble writing chart and restoring it when simple functions are used 2014-09-12
992 VCL TeeC Other Co CONF --- Sub chart datasources are not memorized 2015-02-06
1123 VCL TeeC Series CONF --- When cloning a chart series with a datasource, the datasource is unlinked 2015-02-12
914 VCL TeeC Series CONF --- STacked bars are rendered wrongly when there is a 'gap' in the X values 2015-02-06
915 VCL TeeC Series CONF --- when there is a 'gap' in TBarSeries.XValues, the bar width is calculated wrongly. 2015-05-21
1161 VCL TeeC Chart CONF --- Setting the Cursor property for a Chart has no effect 2015-05-21
1399 VCL TeeC Legend CONF --- Legend highlighting does not match series highlighting 2015-12-23
569 VCL TeeC Series IN_P --- Zooming in on bar chart does not widen the bars 2014-02-19

Re: Bugs in

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 12:06 pm
by yeray

Apologies for the delay in getting to the resolution of some of the issues on the list, internal prioritising of issue-resolution at Steema sometimes has clearly not brought down the pending list substantially. I have asked for a review of the list of items you have reported, increasing priority to be able to deliver a solution to a significant part of them in a close timeframe.

Here a link to the tickets you opened.