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Incorrect legend (pie chart) if group slice is active

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 5:11 pm
by 16579726
The pie chart legeng are not being displayed correctly if "group < %" is active.

Sometimes the slice mark is also not shown.

See attached project and printscreens.

Teechart Pro version: v2016.19.161025 32 bit VCL
Rad Studio XE7 version: 21.0.17707.5020


Re: Incorrect legend (pie chart) if group slice is active

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2017 9:10 am
by Marc
Hello Samuel,

Thanks for the error report. It is reproducible and has been assigned as a bug:

We'll get on and fix it.

Marc Meumann

Re: Incorrect legend (pie chart) if group slice is active

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2017 11:30 am
by 16579726
Hi Marc,

This issue occurs only in Teechart 2016.19.

I tested with the 2016.18 version and in this version the legend is mounted correctly.

I need to send a fix to this problem to my customers until the end of this week, so, I like to know if the fix to this bug will be released quickly or I should downgrade to the 2016.18 release.

Thank you.


Re: Incorrect legend (pie chart) if group slice is active

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2017 12:22 pm
by Marc
Hello Samuel,

The problem is caused by a modification between release .18 and .19 to resolve a mouseover return value over ContourSeries. If you're compiling from sourcecode you can use the modification described below directly. If you are also using ContourSeries you should take a view in whether to apply this fix now or wait until we have made further updates.

in Teengine.pas (& VCLTee.Teengine.pas)

Function TChartSeries.LegendString( LegendIndex:Integer;
LegendTextStyle:TLegendTextStyle ):String;

On the first active line of the method, change:

Code: Select all



Code: Select all

We'll make the required changes so that issues are resolved in both Series (Pie and Contour) in time for the next update release.


Re: Incorrect legend (pie chart) if group slice is active

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2017 1:42 pm
by 16579726
This modification solved the problem. :D

Thank you.

Re: Incorrect legend (pie chart) if group slice is active

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2017 3:49 am
by 16880166
I just started using TeeChart Standard this last week. I'm glad I found the answer. Unfortunately, this chart and legend are why I purchased the Standard so I could hook to my Dataset and minimize the slices by using the Group Slice. But, as mentioned, the Legend is off. I was hoping to release this chart next week. I didn't purchase the source code (since my chart usage was so limited in this project), so I can't just fix it myself.

Are there some nightly builds or early releases that have this problem fixed, or do I need to downgrade to .18 to get my legend to match my Pie Chart?

If I need to downgrade to .18, should I uninstall .19 first? My real problem was getting FastReports working with the Std version since they integrate it in their product. I'm hoping the changes they helped me with won't break down if I have to downgrade. Thus the questions, do you have any release that is not yet public that fixes this problem for folks who don't have the source code?

Re: Incorrect legend (pie chart) if group slice is active

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2017 3:56 am
by 16880166
Couldn't see how to edit my last post, but I did want to mention that I am using the FMX version of TeeChart. I didn't notice this was the VCL forum when I replied. Found this post by Googling it. I assume the error I am getting in FMX is the same as with the VCL

Re: Incorrect legend (pie chart) if group slice is active

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 9:40 am
by yeray

I'm afraid we don't have nightly builds.
We are working on the installers for the next maintenance release, so they should be published shortly.

As you say, you can always go to the previous v2016.18, by uninstalling v2016.19 and installing v2016.18 (and verifying the paths).

Re: Incorrect legend (pie chart) if group slice is active

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2017 7:55 am
by 16880166
As you say, you can always go to the previous v2016.18, by uninstalling v2016.19 and installing v2016.18 (and verifying the paths)
I am running Delphi Berlin 1.1 Update 2. Does v2016.18 support this version? Also, do you have a revision page that shows the difference between the two versions?

Re: Incorrect legend (pie chart) if group slice is active

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2017 12:48 pm
by yeray
realsol wrote:I am running Delphi Berlin 1.1 Update 2. Does v2016.18 support this version?
As you can see in the public release notes, the first version to support Berlin was v2016.17.
realsol wrote:Also, do you have a revision page that shows the difference between the two versions?
In the release notes you can find a link to the list of tickets in the public tracker closed for each release.