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ChartEditor - Array Out Of Bounds [0] on Close

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2004 9:14 am
by 4211303
Using TChart Pro 5 within C++ Builder 5 (fully patched) under Windows XP Pro (fully patched).

An existing application, which worked previously, now crashes with an EListError - Array Out Of Bounds [0] whenever the runtime ChartEditor is closed by the user.

Happens when the app is run from within development environment as well, but invoking the development-time ChartEditor dialog does not display the error.

This happens on all instances of ChartEditor within this app. (I have several individual forms within the app with their own TChart and TChartEditor components. All now exhibit this behaviour).

It is not random - happens everytime you attempt to exit the ChartEditor dialog, by what ever means.

I have not changed any code relating to the ChartEditor, my only code reference to the component is:

void __fastcall TCReportForm::Edit1Click(TObject *Sender)

Because the error happens on all Charts (which do not share data sources or anything else) I'm pretty sure I've not mucked it up code wise.

Stranger still - I've built a new application on the same platform which contails a TChart and TChartEditor and that works fine.

Have deleted all project .obj files and rebuilt, but error remains on this application only.

Anyone help, please? Irrate users are massing.

Thanks in advance,


Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2004 10:52 am
by 4211303
Hah, more info,

By setting the DefaultTab to anything other than cetPrintPreview fixes the issue. Problem reoccurs as soon as user chooses to view PrintPreview page however.

No other app has problems with printing on this machine, which has 6 configured printers (local and networked)....

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2004 5:54 pm
by Marjan

It's hard to tell, I was not able to replicate it here using TeeChart v5.02 with BCB5. Do you say the error only happens in your old projects ? Have you checked your old project group file (bpg) and replaced references to old TeeChart bpi/lib files with new ones ?