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TriSurface creation

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2004 11:16 pm
by 8573918
I have measuring points of a surface that I try to visualise with trisurface. My problem is that the trisurface are creating surfaces beetween points where I don't want to have a surface.

Is there a way to set some roules for how the surface shall be created ?
( roules like: if the distance beetween points are more than ... don't create surface beetween them ) :?:

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2004 12:19 pm
by Marjan
Hi, Thomas.

The TTriSurfaceSeries uses Voroni algorithm to construct surface by creating series of triangles. The internal algorithm inherits all good and bad things about this algorithm. In most cases the algorithm works fine, but sometimes (as in your case, I suppose :( ) it fails.
Is there a way to set some roules for how the surface shall be created ?
( roules like: if the distance beetween points are more than ... don't create surface beetween them )
Yes, but only by changing existing TTriSurfaceSeries surface construction algorithm. Or alternatively, by deriving completely new series type and overriding surface drawing algorithm. In both cases, you'll need TeeChart source code (as reference) and surface drawing algorithm.