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Installation Problem

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2005 12:45 pm
by 9236592
Hi there,

after installing TeeChart7Pro and start C++Builder5 an error occours:

"Package Tee7C5 could not be loaded. it contains unit `teeconstĀ“ that is also contained in package tee50"

same error ouccurs while installing an restarting C++Builder6:

"Package Tee7C6 could not be loaded. it contains unit `teeconstĀ“ that is also contained in package tee60"

thx for your help...

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2005 1:12 pm
by narcis
Hi Henning,

This is because your IDE is still referencing old TeeChart packages. You should backup/remove them from your IDE package list (Project\Options\Packages) and remove it's search paths (Project\Options\Directories/Conditionals), "Include" and "Bin" paths. Also make sure the new TeeChart version paths are at the top of the list.

There is no old TeeChart package

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 7:23 am
by 9039038
I have the same problem with BCB5:

Installation of TeeChart 7 Components (and TeeChart 7 for QuickReport Components) failed. I went into the Packages installation function (Project/Options/Packages or Component/Install Packages) and found the TeeChart 7 Components and TeeChart 7 for QuickReport Components boxes unchecked.

Checking either box produced the error message: Cannot load pachage 'TEE7C5.' It contains unit 'Teeconst,';which is also contained in package 'TEE50'

I looked at all of the program file paths for installed packages and I didn't find Tee50.bpl (I didn't really expect to, since this is the first time I purchased TeeChart and had never installed a prior version). I looked for Tee50.bpl and found Tee50.bpi in the ...\CBuilder5\Lib\ subdirectory, and looked in it and found lots of "TeeConst" references. From this I conclude that the Tee50.bpi was compiled into another .bpl file.

My guess is that the demo version of TeeChart which comes with BCB5 on the ActiveX tab as TVtChart is the source of the conflict. There are three other components on the ActiveX tab, and since I have not used them either in the five years or so since I bought BCB5, I probably would sacrifice them to install TeeChart 7, I do not even know what package to uninstall in order to kill them off.

I would really like to install TeeChart 7 and only lose the TVtChart demo component from the ActiveX tab.

How do I do this? The manual installation instructions need to be supplemented. Also, I suggest that in the FAQs this should be discussed in a straightforward manner if the installation program cannot be made to do this automatically. I am sure that this happens to everyone with the ActiveX tab's samples installed, so there must be some easy way to fix this.

Thanks in advance,

-- Jim Gold --

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 7:43 am
by narcis
Hi Jim,
Checking either box produced the error message: Cannot load pachage 'TEE7C5.' It contains unit 'Teeconst,';which is also contained in package 'TEE50'
This means BCB5 is still referencing TeeChart v4.04 Standard packages shipped with it.
I looked at all of the program file paths for installed packages and I didn't find Tee50.bpl (I didn't really expect to, since this is the first time I purchased TeeChart and had never installed a prior version). I looked for Tee50.bpl and found Tee50.bpi in the ...\CBuilder5\Lib\ subdirectory, and looked in it and found lots of "TeeConst" references. From this I conclude that the Tee50.bpi was compiled into another .bpl file.
A part from removing old TeeChart packages from your package list you should also check your IDE include and library paths at Project -> Options -> Directories/Conditionals. It should only be new TeeChart version Include and Lib folders and they'd better be at the top of the lists.

After having done those setting check the left-bottom "default" checkbox.

You could also check old TeeChart packages not being referenced at Tools -> Environment Options -> Library -> Library path.
My guess is that the demo version of TeeChart which comes with BCB5 on the ActiveX tab as TVtChart is the source of the conflict.
I wouldn't say that as I have never experienced that nor heard from any customer reporting it.
How do I do this? The manual installation instructions need to be supplemented.
Have you seen C:\Program Files\Steema Software\TeeChart 704 for Builder 5\Builder5\Install.txt (default english installation path)?.

Thanks for the suggestions, unfortunately they didn't help

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 8:08 am
by 9039038
I added paths to the /Include and /Lib to the Include and Library areas in the Project -> Options -> Directories/Conditionals box, and I moved them up to the top in each area.

I added a path to the Tools -> Environment Options -> Library -> Library path, and I moved it up to the top of that area.

I closed BCB5 and re-opened it. When I went to the Component -> Install Packages box and tried to check the TeeChart 7 Components box, I got the same error message: Cannot load pachage 'TEE7C5.' It contains unit 'Teeconst,';which is also contained in package 'TEE50'

I agree with you that BCB5 is still referencing TeeChart ... Standard packages shipped with it. I just don't know how to kill off this package.

I just tried an experiment: I unchecked the "Borland Sample Imported ActiveX Controls" box, clicked the OK button to close the Packages box, reopened the Packages box, and then tried to check the TeeChart 7 Components box. I got the same error message.

Any ideas?

-- Jim Gold --

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 8:58 am
by narcis
Hi Jim,

Most likely the problem is one of installed packages is still using old TeeChart v4 Standard (version shipped with BCB6) packages.

There are several possibilities for your message error:

1) The installation was not 100% successful. The solution is to manually install TeeChart v7 PRO for BCB 5. Basically, all you have to do is copy all files from Teechart v7 CBuilder5 folders to appropriate folders in Program Files\CBuilder5. Or alternatively, add TeeChart v7 CBuilder Include and Lib directories to BCB5 include and library path list. Make sure all the Stantard Teechart components has been removed from the Component List (in the IDE).

2) The installation was successful but there is another package that is still referencing old (Tee50) files. Possible packages are :

a) Quick Report. This is possible only if you installed Quick Report PRO (or the newest version of QR Standard) after you installed TeeChart v7 PRO for BCB5. The problem is all Quick Report versions are compiled with TeeChart v4 STANDARD (Tee50) files. The solution is to recompile TQRChart component files. Necessary files + instructions how to do it are located in TeeChart \CBuilder5\QuickReport\ directory.

b) Report Builder. The cause of problem is the same - RB was compiled with Tee50 files. The solution is to download and install Report Builder that supports TeeChart v7.X PRO for BCB5.

c) Decision Cube. This case applies only if you're using BCB 5 Enterprise Edition. The cause of problem is the same as in previous two cases. Again, the solution is to to recompile and reinstall Decision Cube packages manually or simply disable/remove the Decision Cube package. Instructions how to do this are included with TeeChart v7 installation (CBuilder5\DecisionCube\ directory). Alternatively, if you don't use the Decision Cube packages, simply remove them from BCB package list.

d) Another 3rd party tool which uses TeeChart packages. Again, the solution is to recompile 3rd party tool packages with new TeeChart version. Usually each vendor includes instructions how to do this. If not, check with 3rd party tool vendor how to do it (apply patch file, TC7 specific installer, recompile sources, ...).

Solution Found (Thank you Narcis!)

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2005 5:29 am
by 9039038
Here is the procedure I used. I hope it helps the next newbie who is in this situation.

Through a process of trial and error, I uninstalled other packages one at a time. Since I have 36 of them, this took some time.

After each uninstall (un-checking them in the Component -> Install Packages list box), I checked the box for TeeChart 7 Components until I found the correct conflicting package. (After uninstalling the conflicting package, the error message did not appear when I installed TeeChart.)

In my case, the conflicting package was TMS Component Pack. I looked at the documentation which came with it and found in the install.txt file:

Notes for TeeChart Pro users:

The TMS Component Pack comes with support for the default installed
TeeChart in Delphi & C++Builder. If you have installed another version
of TeeChart, open the TMS Component Pack package file, remove TEE*.*
from the requires list of the package an press Install. Delphi or
C++Builder will then automatically add the correct TeeChart library
reference to the TMS Component Pack package file.

At this point, I now had a TeeChart tab on BCB, and I had lost all of my 13-or so TMS tabs.

The next step was to reinstall the TMS components.

Just to be safe, I copied the entire TMSDIR subdirectory to another drive so that I would not ruin anything by experimenting. (This was unnecessary, but I felt better at the time.)

I opened the file TMSC5.BPK, removed TEE50.bpi from it, added TEE7C5.bpi to the package, clicked "Install," and the TMSC5.BPK package compiled and installed in BCB5.

I looked up and all of my TMS component tabs had reappeared.

Thank you again, Narcis, for your help in dealing with this problem.

I only wish that there were a better way for BCB to describe the conflict so that it would point to a solution. The fact that Tee50.bpi was the culprit and that it was hidden in TMS's .bpk package was a serious problem. It did not help that when I searched through my BCB subdirectories for files containing either "Tee50" or "Teeconst" I found that very many non-human-readable (non-expert-readable?) files contained one or both of them; enough to make that approach unfeasible.

There ought to be a better way than trial-and-error to locate this type of conflict. Still, I did find the path through the maze (this time), thanks to you, and the foresight of TMS (they make great stuff, by the way).

Keep up the good work!

-- Jim Gold --

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2005 8:09 am
by narcis
Hi Jim,

Thank you very much for your feedback. I'm really glad to hear everything works fine for you.

As I mentioned you before I hadn't heard of TMS component conflict before as there may not be many users combining them with newer TeeChart versions and those components are not shipped with BCB, at least they are not in my BCB5 Professional installation.