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Line series are black in EPS export, pen properties lost?

Posted: Mon May 02, 2005 5:37 pm
by 9341431
I'm creating charts with colored line at Runtime and exporting in different formats.
JPEG is OK, WMF also.

In EPS I dont get any color in the the line series. The lines are only black and the width is not changing. It seems like pen properties are not used. colors are Ok in another places in the chart (bands, labels...).

I can see the EPS export sample is correct, am I missing something?

I'm using TeeChartPro 7.04 Delphi 7

This is my code for the colors :
mySerie : TChartSerie;
mySerie1 := TLineSeries.Create(myChart);
for the colors
TLineSeries(mySerie1).Color := clMycolor;
TLineSeries(mySerie1).LinePen.width := myWidth;

and for export :
TeeSaveToPSFile( myChart, aFileName);

Thank you for your help.


Posted: Tue May 03, 2005 6:55 am
by Marjan
Hi, Marc.

Do you get this error only if line pen width is more than 1 and pen style is not psSolid ? Also, do you get the same result if you export to pdf or vml format ?

Posted: Wed May 04, 2005 7:41 am
by 9341431
Yes, Marjan that's it :

When width is 1, all is OK : line colored, and style OK (solid, dash...).
When width >1 line is black and solid.

I don't see any difference with the line style, it seems to be ok.

Is there a way to correct it?

Is there a way in vector formats to have line width less than 1 ? ( eg 0,2)

I cannot export in pdf, vml, svg, I get an error ("Violation d'accès" in french) in the TeeSaveToxxxFile functions. For now, I didn't try to go further. Can you tell me the way to debug within the sources?


Posted: Thu May 12, 2005 7:16 am
by Marjan
When width >1 line is black and solid.
Does this happen only if chart is in 3d ? I mean, if you switch to 2D, is the output correct ? If possible, can you send me small sample application demonstrating the problem ? You can send it to "marjan at steema dot com" email address and if it turns out it's a bug, I'll log it to the bug list and try to fix it for next maintenance release.
Is there a way in vector formats to have line width less than 1 ? ( eg 0,2)
Not at the moment (EPS canvas simply translates "regular" gdi canvas primitives and they do not support float values for pen width).
Can you tell me the way to debug within the sources?
Add source code path to search path list. Then enable all debug options in your project. Finally, rebuild your project.