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Help with TMarksTipTool

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 4:21 pm
by 8572663
I am having problems with TMarksTipTool with TColorGridSeries. It is probably me, but just can't work through it!
UI create the tool and initialize it but it does not display the values in the hint.

Can anyone help? Here is the code I am using...
Tip := TMarksTipTool.Create(application);
Tip.Series := Chart1.Series[0];
Tip.Style := smsValue;
Tip.MouseAction := mtmMove;
Tip.MouseDelay := 500;
Tip.Active := True;

After that I should see the hint when I move the mouse over the series right? What am I missing? I have looked at the 2 examples and they are not really much help. Eventually I would like to use the event to modify the text returned.

Thanks in advance!

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 5:00 pm
by 8572663
Never Mind...I found the issue.. I needed to call Chart1.Tools.Add(Tip). After that, it all seems to work. If I am missing anything else, please let me know.
