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How to make an X-Y chart ?

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 12:20 pm
by 8573088

I would like to have a graph, having 2 axis (x and y) both ranging from -60 to +60.

Next I would like to add a number of values (for instance, x=12 y=30).

How do I do that? (I'm not like new with tchart, but this one really puzzles me)

Code I tried (after dumping a TChart component on a form):

Code: Select all

Procedure TForm1.Button1Click( Sender as TObject);
  A: TChartSeries;
  A := TChartSeries.Create( Self);
  A.AddXY( -60, -60, '', clBlack);
  A.AddXY( 40, 60);
  A.AddXY( -60, 30);
  A.AddXY( 30, -30);
  // and so on
  Chart1.AddSeries( A);
Although a legend shows up, not one single point is drawn......

What am I missing ?

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 12:46 pm
by 8573088
Never mind, already found it.....

Code: Select all

  A: TPointSeries;