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Translation editor and TChart

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 11:46 am
by 9343299

I want ot know if it's possible to use the translation editor of Delphi 2005 with the translation procedures of TeeChartPro. Because when I'm in antoher language the program raise the error "can't find TeeChartPreviewer procedure". That's mean with my TChart I can't use the procedure TChartPreviewer.Execute when I use the english version.

In the other hand, I can perfectly use this printing procedure with my main program (in french).


Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 2:06 pm
by narcis
Hi stundman,

TChartEditor screens and constants can be translated doing what is shown in the "All Features\Welcome!\Miscellaneous\Multi-Language" example at the features demo. You'll find that demo at TeeChart's program group. However, TChart methods and properties can not be translated and need to be used on their native syntax. To get it working you should drop a TChartPreviewer component on a form and use the following code:

Code: Select all

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);

Translation editor and TChart (bis)

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 11:54 am
by 9343299

Thank you for your reply. Actually I knew the procedure to translate the ChartPreviewer function. I want to explain my specific problem.

In my Delphi 2005 project, I've got DFM and PAS files attached with myprogram.exe. And when I use the translation editor of Delphi 2005, after compiling I've got others DFM files attached with myprogram.ENG (for english). So when I change the standard language in windows XP (in the control panel : regional options an language) the program links the English DFM files. After that, when I use the ChartPreviewer1.Execute (as you meant in your previous message), I've got a Exception : "can't find TeeChartPreviewer procedure".
I want to know how I can solve this problem. Because in the main language project (french) it works, but with the english language association it doesn't. And it's the same project !


Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 1:41 pm
by 9343299
Hi again,

I want to explain once again my problem... and I wait for an answer please...

I develop with Delphi 2005. I've got a simple project as below
unit Graphe;



{ system }
Windows, SysUtils, Graphics, Forms, Buttons, Controls, ExtCtrls,
StdCtrls, Classes,
{ steema }
TeePolar, Chart, TeeEdit, TeePageNumTool, TeEngine, TeeTools,
Series, TeeProcs;

TForm1 = class(TForm)
ChartPreviewer: TChartPreviewer;
polarChart: TChart;
Indicators: TRadarSeries;
ChartTool1: TPageNumTool;
butPrint: TBitBtn;
butShow: TBitBtn;
procedure butShowClick(Sender: TObject);
procedure butPrintClick(Sender: TObject);

Form1: TForm1;


{$R *.dfm}

// Print
procedure TForm1.butPrintClick(Sender: TObject);

// Show indicators between 0 and 100 randomly, with alert and alarm level
procedure TForm1.butShowClick(Sender: TObject);
i, number: integer;
lab : string;

for i := 0 to 6 do
number := Random(100);
lab := 'Indic'+IntToStr(i);
Indicators.Add(number, lab);
if number > 70 then
Indicators.ValueColor := clRed
if number > 50 then
Indicators.ValueColor := clYellow
Indicators.ValueColor := clGreen;


And I don't use any procedure to translate anything ! So my language in the control panel is French (France). I run the program and it runs perfectly.

Now, I add the english language with Delphi 2005 (Project -> language -> Add) and it's compiling safely. I'm still with french in control panel. I test the program ; it works.

When I switch into the english language in the control panel. I launch the program and it displays the buttons and co into english. But when I click to the print button => Error : can't find "TChartPreview". And the title of the error window says 'steema'.

I've got this little application in a zip, I could send it to you. But I must know if there is a solution ?????



Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 3:13 pm
by 9343299
I solved my problem...

In the compilation options (options -> packages) I forgot to check the option : "Build with the execution packages".
Now, I can see the packages used in the application information (project -> information).

I hope my problem will be usefull for the next people...
