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TQRChart - printing gridlines using Metafile setting

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2003 1:09 pm
by 5889909

I'm trying to put together a report using TQRChart and when I print, the gridlines and dashed series print out as solid lines if the PrintMethod is set to qtmMetafile. If I set the method to qtmBitmap the lines are dashed but the quality sucks.

It's not my printer driver because I've tried it on a whole bunch of different printers.

Please help!

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2003 6:30 am
by Marjan

Do you get these results only with TQRChart or do you get it also if you try to export TChart image to metafile format ? Also, which TeeChart version are you using ? Which Delphi version ?

TQRChart - no gridlines when printing

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2003 7:25 am
by 5889909
Hey Marjan!

If I export the chart to a metafile and then print it using Word everything prints fine. Does that mean the fault lies with Quick Report?

I'm using TeeChart Pro 5.02 and Delphi 6. Quick Report 3.5.0.


Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2003 8:28 am
by 5889909

If I assign the chart metafile to a TQRImage object and print, the gridlines also don't show.

Know of any good freeware report tools?


Re: TQRChart - no gridlines when printing

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2003 7:21 am
by Marjan
5889909 wrote:Does that mean the fault lies with Quick Report?
It's possible, but it's also possible the problem is in core Delphi metafile routine and it shows up in Quick Report.

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 8:56 am
by 5889909
So do you have a suggested solution?


Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 3:01 pm
by Marjan
I've been using Report Builder on my machine and I must say so far I've been very impressed with it. The only problem is this reporting tool is not a freeware.

Also, the Delphi 7 included Rave Report seems to work fine.

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 6:01 am
by 5889909
Thanks Marjan!

I'll look at Report Writer though I think I'm going to have to make do with Quick Report or just write my own component using the printer canvas.
