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Different pointer style on a polar series

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 11:38 am
by 9235196
Is it possible to set different point style for polar series?
Instead just all rectangle or all circle. How to do it ?
For exampe: I have 10 point.
I want to set a data point as circle and the other as triangle.

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 12:11 pm
by narcis
Hi Herman,

Yes, you can do that using series GetPointerStyle event:

Code: Select all

function TForm1.Series1GetPointerStyle(Sender: TChartSeries;
  ValueIndex: Integer): TSeriesPointerStyle;
  if (ValueIndex mod 2 = 0) then result:=psCircle
  else result:=psTriangle;