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Problem after recompiling source code in version 7.06

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 2:01 pm
by 9335230

(I use Builder 5)
I installed TeeChart 7.06 and It worked fine, but just then I added some source
code changes I was using in version TeeChart 7 since over a year ago. I
recompiled with TeeRecompile.exe, as always, and installed. After compile
and execute the current project I am developing, everything seemed to
be fine, the main chart worked fine, but when I showed another chart,
the application crashed.
The same problem occurs recompiling original TeeChart 7.06 source code
with no modifications. Because of that, I am using TeeChart 7.06 without
recompile my changes and this project still works fine, but I need all my
changes in source code for other projects.

It seems there is a problem in this new TeeRecompile.exe.

Here is the call stack when my program crashes:


have anyone had this problem?

Thanks in advance.


Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 8:59 am
by narcis
Hi beetle,

Could you please let us know the exact instructions we need to follow to reproduce this issue and, if possible, send us an example we can run "as-is" to reproduce the problem here?

You can post your files at news:// newsgroup.

Thanks in advance.

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 4:33 pm
by 9335230
Hi Narcís,

I found where the problem is. It appears even at design time.
You can reproduce it following these steps:

1) Place a chart in a form
2) Add one series (I tried with FastLine, LineSeries and BarSeries)
3) Set Legend->Transparency to a value greater than 0

But remember that this problem just appears recompiling source code
(Version 7.06) with Teerecompile.exe.

Tell me when you find out. I'm gonna try to find more problems with the
recompiled original TeeChart 7.06 and with my changes in source code.


Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 5:33 pm
by 9335230

(see previous post)
I tried to recompile TeeChart7.06 with my changes in source code and
everything works fine now, but I won't be able to set transparency percent
to legends until the problem be solved, but that's not a big deal.
Still, let me know if you have the same problem.


Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 8:40 am
by narcis
Hi beetle,

Thanks for the information but I couldn't reproduce what you reported. However, I'm using our latest sources and TeeRecompile version (which are still not public). We expect to release v7.07 very soon. I'd suggest yo to wait for that release and try if the problem persists.

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 1:56 pm
by 9335230
Hi Narcís,

I belive I've found more problems (recompiled version):

1) I can't make invisible minor marks.

2) It has to do with TChartAxis.Assign(TPersistent* function). Try to place
a chart in a form and paste this source code in the TForm constructor
and run out:

TBarSeries* Series1 = new TBarSeries(Chart1);
TBarSeries* Series2 = new TBarSeries(Chart1);
Series1->ParentChart = Chart1;
Series2->ParentChart = Chart1;
TChartAxis* newAxis = new TChartAxis(Chart1->CustomAxes);
Series2->CustomVertAxis = newAxis;
TChartAxis* newAxisH = new TChartAxis(Chart1->CustomAxes);
Series2->CustomHorizAxis = newAxisH;
newAxisH->PositionPercent = 55;
newAxis->StartPosition = 0;
newAxis->EndPosition = 45;
Chart1->LeftAxis->StartPosition = 53;
Chart1->LeftAxis->EndPosition = 100;

You'll see that the Custom Axis labels are inverted (axis is not inverted).
And something funny happens if then you edits the chart at runtime and
select Custom1 in Axis tab, change to Position tab and change any
property you want... labels get fine :)
There is a workaround. Paste this sentence after newAxisH->Assign(Chart1->BottomAxis);

newAxisH->Horizontal = true;

This also happens in TeeChart 7.

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 12:20 pm
by Pep