Bug: While set ChartClickSeries event, Zoom is broken
Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 5:16 pm
Just drop a chart and a TColorGridSeries, make it random filled.
Add an empty line for ChartClickSeries event like the following,
void __fastcall TForm1::Chart1ClickSeries(TCustomChart *Sender,
TChartSeries *Series, int ValueIndex, TMouseButton Button,
TShiftState Shift, int X, int Y)
// abd
At runtime, you can't drag zoom or pan if you drag within the color grid plot, but you still can do it if you drag from the empty space near the plot.
Took me a while to figure out 'cause even you comment the lines in that event, the bug still persists. Not sure if it's the case for other 3D series, but at lease 2D ones are fine.
p.s version 7.06
Just drop a chart and a TColorGridSeries, make it random filled.
Add an empty line for ChartClickSeries event like the following,
void __fastcall TForm1::Chart1ClickSeries(TCustomChart *Sender,
TChartSeries *Series, int ValueIndex, TMouseButton Button,
TShiftState Shift, int X, int Y)
// abd
At runtime, you can't drag zoom or pan if you drag within the color grid plot, but you still can do it if you drag from the empty space near the plot.
Took me a while to figure out 'cause even you comment the lines in that event, the bug still persists. Not sure if it's the case for other 3D series, but at lease 2D ones are fine.
p.s version 7.06