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Saving a Chart Misses Properties

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 5:11 pm
by 9336428
I have noticed when saving a chart a few of the properties are not retained.

For example
The series colors
The Orthogonal view check
The Legend visibility check.

Are these being fixed or do I have to create my own save and load method for these?

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 8:12 am
by narcis
Hi billgage,

Using v7.07 those settings are exported as you can see in the binary .tee file below. Which TeeChart version are you using?

Code: Select all

object TChart
  Left = 16
  Top = 40
  Width = 825
  Height = 505
  Legend.Visible = False
  Title.Text.Strings = (
  View3DOptions.Orthogonal = False
  TabOrder = 0
  object Series1: TLineSeries
    Marks.Callout.Brush.Color = clBlack
    Marks.Visible = False
    SeriesColor = 33023
    Pointer.InflateMargins = True
    Pointer.Style = psRectangle
    Pointer.Visible = False
    XValues.Name = 'X'
    XValues.Order = loAscending
    YValues.Name = 'Y'
    YValues.Order = loNone
    Data = {

Saving a Chart Misses Properties

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 4:47 pm
by 9336428
I was using the most current release.
But here is the issue. I think before I was loading two different saved charts to the same chart component. I have changed my methodology to free the component and recreate it before loading the chart. This seemed to rectify the orthogonal and legend issues (and some other ones too). However the color issue is something I will have to code. I am not saving the data with the chart, and so I will need to manage grabbing the colors after loading the chart and assigning it's dataset.

Thank you.
