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OnMouseOver event?

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 5:00 pm
by 9336044

I am looking for a way to tell what the mouse cursor passes over without having to click on the chart. I know you have the CalcClickedPart method that works very well when used in an OnClick, OnMouseDown, etc event, but I can't find anything that reports on what the cursor is hovoring above.

For example, say we have a pie chart with 6 slices. Our users have asked that we allow them to pass the mouse cursor over a slice - without requiring a click - and display in another section of the screen details about the data making up that pie slice. So when they pass the cursor over slice 1, it becomes "active" and is reported on. As the mouse passes to slice 2, slice 1 is no longer active and slice 2 becomes active and is reported on instead, etc...

Ideally, they would also like the pie slice that is "active" in such a way to be drawn differently (with a darker border while it is considered active).

Is such a thing possible in version 7.07 or even in the upcoming 8?


Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 7:21 am
by Marjan

Yes, this can be done (by using a TPieTool tool). In TeeChart demo, please check the "All Features -> Tools -> Pie Focus" node. It moreless does exactly what you need.