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Scrolling with LineSeries and CandleSeries

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 2:51 am
by 10548832
I set up a simple chart as per the Scrollbar demo (TChart Pro 8)

All works well with series1 as TLineSeries or FastLineSeries.

BUT as soon as I make Series1 a TCandleSeries, my chart data never visibily makes it to the chart. The data is still there and the axes rescale appropriately, but where is my candle plot?


Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 8:25 am
by yeray
Hi Phineas,

Yes you are right. The TChartScrollBar component was designed for specific usages and doesn't work properly on some of the others. We'll improve its performance in future versions but in the meanwhile we recommend to use the standard TScrollBar component.
Excuse us for the inconvenience.