Scroll on Selected Custom Vertical axis only
Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 2:16 am
I have 1 chart with several custom vertical axis.
Each axis has different StartPosition and EndPosition so they look stacked on top of each other.
(example :
CustomAxes[0].StartPosition := 0;
CustomAxes[0].EndPosition := 49;
CustomAxes[1].StartPosition := 51;
CustomAxes[1].EndPostion := 100; )
The problem is whenever I scroll vertically, both axes would scroll.
I only want to scroll the one that was clicked within the axis.
My solution is :
* To get the index of the custom axis where the mouse down event occured and store it into ScrollIdx var.
* On Allow Scroll event if the chart axis's index = ScrollIdx then allow the scroll.
This worked but it is not elegant at all.
Is there any better way?
Thank you in advance.
Each axis has different StartPosition and EndPosition so they look stacked on top of each other.
(example :
CustomAxes[0].StartPosition := 0;
CustomAxes[0].EndPosition := 49;
CustomAxes[1].StartPosition := 51;
CustomAxes[1].EndPostion := 100; )
The problem is whenever I scroll vertically, both axes would scroll.
I only want to scroll the one that was clicked within the axis.
My solution is :
* To get the index of the custom axis where the mouse down event occured and store it into ScrollIdx var.
Code: Select all
procedure TDAQfrm.Chart1MouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
This : TChart;
YPerc : double;
i : integer;
This := (Sender as TChart);
Yperc := (Y / This.Height) * 100;
for i := 0 to This.CustomAxes.Count -1 do
with This.CustomAxes[i] do
if This.CustomAxes[i].Visible then
if (This.CustomAxes[i].StartPosition <= YPerc) and (This.CustomAxes[i].EndPosition >= YPerc) then
ScrollIdx := i;
Code: Select all
procedure TDAQfrm.Chart1AllowScroll(Sender: TChartAxis; var AMin,
AMax: Double; var AllowScroll: Boolean);
if Sender.Index <> ScrollIdx then
AllowScroll := false
AllowScroll := true;
Is there any better way?
Thank you in advance.