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Problem with ReportBuilder 7.3 and TeeChart 6.0

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2004 4:32 pm
by 8577519
Hello, I have some problems with TeeChart 6.01 and ReportBuilder

This are the steps I follow to install TeeChart 6.1 and ReportBuilder 7.3

1) I Clean up the TeeChart 6.1. After that I search and delete all the
dcltee*.bpl;dcltee*.dcp;tee*.bpl;tee*.dcp; *.dcu.

2) I Clean up the ReportBuilder 7.03 following the steps of the paper
"Cleaning up a Corrupt Installation" of ReportBuilder Help.

3) I Reinstall the TeeChart 6.01 (the last version). Without problems.

4) I Reinstall the ReportBuilder 7.03. Without problems.

5) I check in the installed Packages options and all packages of
ReportBuilder and TeeChart are installed correctly.

6) I recompile this packages (rbTC75.dpk, rbTCUI75.dpk, rbTDBC75.dpk and dclRBC75.dpk, in this order).
rbTC75.dpk require the package (rbRCL75.dcp "compile date 23/08/2003" and
tee65.dcp "compile date 15/04/2003")

rbTCUI75.dpk require the package (rbTC75.dcp "compile date 03/06/2004" and
teeui65.dcp "compile date 15/04/2003")
rbTDBC75.dpk require the package (rbTCUI75.dcp "compile date 03/06/2004" and
teedb65.dcp "compile date 15/04/2003")
dclRBC75.dpk require the package (dsnide50.dcp "compile date 24/01/2000" and
rbTDBC75.dcp "compile date 03/06/2004").

After that I follows the steps of the paper "TeeChart 6.0 Support for Delphi 5". I describe this steps follow

a) Copy ppChReg.dcu, ppChrt.dcu, ppChrtDP.dcu, ppChrtUI.dcu and
ppChDPEdDlg.dcu (I add the last two *.dcu because in other case a compiler
error appear)

From: ..\RBuilder\TeeChart\Tee600

To : ..\RBuilder\Lib

b) Copy dclRBC75.dcp, rbTC75.dcp, rbTDBC75.dcp and rbTCUI75.dcp

From: ..\RBuilder\TeeChart\Tee600

To : ..\RBuilder\Lib

c) Copy dclRBC75.bpl

From: ..\RBuilder\TeeChart\Tee600

To : ..\RBuilder\Lib

d) Copy rbTC75.bpl, rbTDBC75.bpl and rbTCUI75.bpl

From: ..\RBuilder\TeeChart\Tee600

To : ..\Windows\System32 ( my SO is Windows XP Pro.)

e) Copy ppChReg.pas, ppChrt.pas, ppChrtDP.pas, ppCHDPEdDlg.pas,

From: ..\RBuilder\TeeChart\Tee600

To : ..\RBuilder\Source

f) I reinstall de Package dclRBC75.BPL from de ..\RBuilder\Lib directory.

7) I Complile the Demo Project "RBuilder\Demos\3. End User\1. Report

8) The problem is when I use the component DbChart. If I have el report that use this component when I close the EndUser.exe application (compiled with or without packages) a "Exception EAcessViolation in module VCL50.bpl" appear. This error appear after a modification of some properties of the DbChart (not always occur , the error is a random error), for example if you modify Colors, Labels or a Title of the DbChart,etc).

I need some help. I spend a lot of time with this problem. If necessary that I send you the Enduser compiled application that produce the error.

Note: I send the same question to Nico Cizik (Digital Metaphors) <>, but up today I don't recieve any answer.

My Environnment:
Windows XP Pro.
Delphi 5.0 with update pack.
BDE 5.0 with update pack.
ReportBuilder 7.3
TeeChart Pro 6.1

Thank you.

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 4:30 am
by Marjan

The install procedure you followed looks perfect. But I think the problem is a bug in TeeChart code. In short, in combination with Report Builder and if chart series datasource is another series or function, then the destroying mechanism tries to free/destroy series (and functions) which were already freed. Do you get this error even if you drop add epty TDBChart to the report ?

We've fixed the problem for series in TeeChart v7.0 and right now we're tackling the function problem.
A temporary solution/workaround is to disconnect and free functions/series in code at runtime before report (form) is destroyed.