Export bug in v8.04
Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 1:22 pm
I has a program that uses the export methods of teechart. when I recompiled the program with the v8.04 release all the export function calls made my program crashes !!
Here is an example.
void __fastcall TExpl::Button_SaveCSVClick(TObject *Sender)
Screen->Cursor = crHourGlass;
UnicodeString OutputFName =ChangeFileExt(MyFile_s, ".csv");
TSeriesDataText * xlf = new TSeriesDataText(Chart1,NULL);
xlf->IncludeHeader = true;
xlf->IncludeLabels = true;
xlf->TextDelimiter =';';
UnicodeString fn= DtrPath + OutputFName;
xlf->SaveToFile(fn);// the program crashes here
delete xlf;
Screen->Cursor = crDefault;
Any suggestion please ?
I has a program that uses the export methods of teechart. when I recompiled the program with the v8.04 release all the export function calls made my program crashes !!
Here is an example.
void __fastcall TExpl::Button_SaveCSVClick(TObject *Sender)
Screen->Cursor = crHourGlass;
UnicodeString OutputFName =ChangeFileExt(MyFile_s, ".csv");
TSeriesDataText * xlf = new TSeriesDataText(Chart1,NULL);
xlf->IncludeHeader = true;
xlf->IncludeLabels = true;
xlf->TextDelimiter =';';
UnicodeString fn= DtrPath + OutputFName;
xlf->SaveToFile(fn);// the program crashes here
delete xlf;
Screen->Cursor = crDefault;
Any suggestion please ?