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Help Problems

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 4:54 pm
by 9337961

I've recently purchased TeeChartPro7 and I'm having a series help file problems.

The docs directory has lots of help files, but none of them seem to work. Finding even the simplest things takes hours and is extremely frustrating.

First, the Delphi help only brings up the TDBChart help. Any other selected component (Editor, etc., etc.) gets no help. I understand the D7 issues with integrating third party help files and I'm happy opening files manually, but...

Second, the help files on disk have numerous problems.

TeeChart7.chm -- no search, no contents, only get help on UnitArrowCha?

TeeChart7.hlp -- 75% of the links generate the error "Cannot find the TeeChart6.hlp file."

TeeChart7Guide.hlp -- say v6 at the top and 75% of the links generate the error "Cannot find the TeeChart6.hlp file."

TeeUser7.hlp -- says v5 editor help at the top and has no links, search, contents, etc.

At design-time, clicking on the ? in the editor or the help button generates a "The topic does not exist. Contact your application vendor for an updated help file. (129)". At run-time, nothing happens when either button is pressed.

I'm down to guessing, trial-and-error, and the Delphi editor to view properties. Way to time consuming. Is this some problem in the TeeChart7? Any workarounds (v6 help files, etc.?)



Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 12:46 am
by Pep
Hi Brett,

we're aware about all of these problems, they have been solved for the next TeeChart Pro v7.01, which will be ready to download in a few days (now in a beta fase).
In meantime, if you need to have the Help files,... let me know an email address and I'll sent to you the v6 or the correct ones.

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 12:55 am
by 9337961

Thanks. I thought something had to be wrong.

My email:

If you could send both (6.x and 7.x beta) much appreciated. I'll keep checking the site for when there is an official 7.0x.

Thanks again,


Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 9:04 am
by Pep
Hi Brett,

done !