TeeCharts are Invisible
TeeCharts are Invisible
I have been waiting on a response to this issue for over a month now and finally decided to post again since noone has responded further to my prior post. I have fully licensed versions of Delphi 7 Pro, Teechart 7 Pro (with source), and Rave 5.1.2 BEX. Everything seems to compile/run just fine, however any TeeChart that is placed on a form does not become visible. In particular I was using a Calendar series. It will show at design time but when the app is run, the calendar is invisible. What could be causing this? Please help, this is very urgent!
Hi Nick,
are you using similar code to which you can see at the following link ?
are you using similar code to which you can see at the following link ?
Pep Jorge
Fixed...at least this problem is...
The problem was actually with the charts being invisible when dropped on a Delphi form, not within Rave. However, after getting some advice for copying some TeeChart Folders into various directories, things seemed to have started working. Now to tackle the dll errors that occur when someone without a Delphi install tries to run the executable on their machine...but thats another issue.