I draw a fastline in webchart.
When user zoom the webchart, how can I get the new point index.
If this fastline has 100 point.
And when user zoom the webchart(if user select index 30 to 40).
Webchart will show new scale in point 30 to 40.
How can I know user zoom index 30 to 40.
How to get new point index after zoom
Hi scott
You can know the user zoom index, as below code:
You can know the user zoom index, as below code:
Code: Select all
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Steema.TeeChart.Chart ch1 = WebChart1.Chart;
MemoryStream tmpChart = new MemoryStream();
if (Session["ch1"] == null)
//setup Chart
ch1.Aspect.View3D = false;
if (ch1.Series.Count < 1)
ch1.Series.Add(new Steema.TeeChart.Styles.Points());
//export Chart to a MemoryStream template
//save template to a Session variable
Session.Add("ch1", tmpChart);
//retrieve the session stored Chart
tmpChart = (MemoryStream)Session["ch1"];
//set the Stream position to 0 as the last read/write
//will have moved the position to the end of the stream
tmpChart.Position = 0;
//import saved Chart
//check whether zoom request is being sent
//User zoom index:
Bitmap bmp = WebChart1.Chart.Bitmap((int)WebChart1.Width.Value, (int)WebChart1.Height.Value);
int first = WebChart1.Chart.Series[0].FirstVisibleIndex;
int last = WebChart1.Chart.Series[0].LastVisibleIndex;
WebChart1.Chart.Header.Text = "first : " + first.ToString() + " last: " + last.ToString();
private void CheckZoom(WebChart wChart)
ArrayList zoomedState = (ArrayList)Session[wChart.ID + "Zoomed"];
zoomedState = ((Steema.TeeChart.Tools.ZoomTool)wChart.Chart.Tools[0]).SetCurrentZoom(Request, zoomedState);
if (zoomedState == null)
Session.Remove(wChart.ID + "Zoomed");
Session.Add(wChart.ID + "Zoomed", zoomedState);