Hello UserLs,
Images. In the version that we're using, when image is assigned to rotated mark or side walls it is rotated to make it parallel with the surface it is placed on... Not anymore. When stretched in some cases it will not cover the whole area because if this.
Can you tell us in which version this problem works fine? So we can try to fix it in last version.
Well, I never said it was broken for automatic axes... But your fix has broken graphs with manually set Min/Max values and therefore it is a bug. In this case you've introduced another bug while fixing the original problem. Just try to explain to a normal person why, when I enter a value of 20 as an axis minimum (and this is the value displayed in your editor) the actual axis minimum is not 20, but is something less than 20. And what number should I enter as the minimum value, so the actual minimum value will be equal 20? If you have no answer to this question (one answer to all my 2000 customers about all their graphs without seeing those graphs - something I could include into help) - than this is a bug.
To definition of InflateMargins said: "The InflateMargins property controls if Chart dimensions will be rescaled to accomodate the Series.Pointer HorizSize and VertSize pixels. When false, Chart Axis scales will be preserved and points close to the Axis limits will be partially displayed. " About this description I understand that the Pointer.InflateMargins should only work if Axis.Automatic is set to true (and not if set to false) and this is other reason for we arrived the conclusion of TF02016127 is not a bug. Moreover is true that fix the bugs TF02015172 (and so to TF02014628) change the behavior, but we don't consider it has broken the InflateMargin. Also, I understand you can be disagree with us and we would be very grateful if you can you explain us:
How you expect property InflateMargins works?
If you consider it must work when the axes are not automatic and for what reason?
These answers can serve us to try to arrive good conclusion for you and for us.